mrscollector · 3 years ago
Finally shit went down went down with district manager.
My husband, his boss was in the bosses office
The district manger was on the phone as well as HR.
They asked my husband questions.
My husband was facing a final notice or fired.
He told them exactly what happen.
They asked why didn’t you watch them?
He said because they gave no sign they were up to anything.
“You need to watch closely anyone who... wouldn’t live in your neighborhood.”
My husband looked at his boss who looked white in the face because he is Indian.
And my husband bless him said quote
He than stormed out the room before he said more.
His boss said “JOHN I THINK HE HEARD YOU!”
My husband said Good!
Later he was called back in.
The district manager changed his tone he was all I believe you and they must just decided to steal because they saw a chance.
mrscollector · 3 years ago
They didn’t do anything to my husband and fired the cashier for not calling a Manger and losing the money.
This is why I so proud of him.
Old him would of took the beating and just slinked by. All due to anxiety.
But he stood his ground not just from himself but for all the customers who come in.
I never been more proud.
mialinay · 3 years ago
This is so awesome. Not only very courageous of him, but also very satisfying to read/hear. You have all the right to be proud of him. I'm proud of him. Heck I bet we all are.
mrfahrenheit · 3 years ago
Mad respect!
mrscollector · 3 years ago
He called me after the meeting was fully over I told him I was so proud of him.
I made his favorite meal that night meatloaf.
I wish I could done way more.
He has done things in the past that made me proud of him but this was the proudest I ever been.
I begged to let me brag about him on here but he said to let him cool down. Because after what happen he was so mad that the district manger said that.
The boss at the store in Indian and the assistant manger is Black my husband is the floor manger.
He has a niece and a nephew that is Black.
I have a niece and a nephew that is Black and one that is Asian.
The old woman who is head of the house is Makes my husband and I call her Mama June.
So that really made him beyond mad. He wanted to quit.
Lol I told him he should march out with his fist in the air chanting BLACK LIVES MATTER!
I wish there was a better word for how I feel I am just so proud to be his Wife.
laughwendylaugh · 3 years ago
That's awesome!! Good for him for standing up for others
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
Man anxiety is crappy and most with anxiety would just let it slide and apologize instead of taking a stand so what he did is really good!!!
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Exactly that is why it is even more amazing.
He even said old him would of taken the final notice or the fire and just apologized repeatedly and felt like ending it all after.
But after all that happen he said I felt like punching a hole in the wall I was so angry I wanted to kill the district manger.
Honestly I did as well and still do.
We told our daughter what happen at his work once we knew what the end result was and even she said she was proud of him and hugged him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Which made my husband cry happy tears.
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I know I am boosting here about him and this sounds like a yeah and everyone clapped story but really it happen and I just couldn’t hold it in I had to brag about him.
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
Nah it's cool, I'm happy that he cried happy tears tho and it is always good to share positive stuff like this