mialinay · 4 years ago
Just thought some might be interested
mialinay · 4 years ago
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
It's neat to see the first post posted on here, but is somewhat disheartening to see all the deleted/inactive users
bhavani · 4 years ago
There was also a stat page that showed all kinds of stats like most liked post etc.
mialinay · 4 years ago
Do you mean the "top" boards? Cause it's still there
metalman · 4 years ago
Dude... i looked through the posts from your link and i got a tinge of sadness looking through the comments and recognizing all the users i used to be friends with who've since moved on. Right in the feels man...
xlaxxine · 4 years ago
Ah the holy post
bhavani · 4 years ago
Oh i meant an account. I dont remember but it was like funstats or something.
It also listed longest post and other things.
bhavani · 4 years ago
Oh i meant an account. I dont remember but it was like funstats or something.
It also listed longest post and other things.
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
The account exists, but has been inactive the last 4 years
guest_ · 3 years ago
Thank you. That was neat.