M i n e c r a f t - S t e v e
by timebender25 · 23 comments 3 years ago
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timebender25 · 3 years ago
Their entire moveset and concept is so discordian with Smash that I'm still kinda shocked, even if I know it was coming since yesterday.
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Who wanna start a gofundme so i can afford smash?
adam44 · 3 years ago
I'll start a gofund me for you. Just a small favour. Ask a restaurant if you can wash their dishes for a month first.
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
You tell me how I can gift you it and you can have Smash Captain
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Y'all, I was very much joking, especially considering I'd feel kinda bad having someone buy me a $60 game.
adam44 · 3 years ago
Well, that's not very Captainy of you. Amd here I thought he was a heartless asshole. For shame.
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
In reality, I'm actually an assless heart-hole.
adam44 · 3 years ago
I shall put that on your headstone.
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
I swear I will find a way to get you smash
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Uh i mean
I won't stop you because I'm a broke boi, but i want it known you are doing it yourself.
¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Sooo... Someone sent me a fairly large amount of money. Like, I don't actually know how to respond to that, and like it actually means a lot to me, considering I'm actually not doing great financially at the moment. (Mostly my fault, don't feel bad for me)
But like, holy shit I did something similar for a coworker a few years back on Christmas, and... I think I'm starting to believe that how we treat others eventually comes back to us again.
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
I just... I've been dealing with a lot of shit, and I guess that gave me hope for the future. I dunno, maybe... Maybe the world isn't so fucked, you know?
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
And after checking again, I know see who did it. I think I'm actually a bit shellshocked right now... Like I wish I were kidding, but that amount is roughly 2/3rds of my entire paycheck each week. But thank you @that_creepy_guy, I'm bout to start up my switch now.
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
I'm just happy I could bring a bit of happiness to this mad world :D now get out there and kick some ass in smash!
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
yeah, lets play together sometime bro!
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
So wait, is Steve in the game yet or what? Tbh, I've never actually owned a Smash game before.
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
He comes out on October 14th, and If y'all need a #3 I'd love to play with you guys too Haha
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
I'm lowkey buying a physical of the game because I want to get a few cartridges. So far almost my entire library is digital.
that_creepy_guy · 3 years ago
I love the physical cartridges so much more than the digitals
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
They don't taste as good though