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guest_ · 3 years ago
“Immature love” is particularly prone to this. Where the partners seek a “roller coaster.” The highs are high and the lows are low. People with addictive personalities often like this sort of lifestyle or relationship. Fights are often huge and dramatic. But making up is also often huge and dramatic. There’s excitement and some feelings of danger, there’s power dynamics and a push pull of domination and feeling powerful. And from the outside looking in, especially at just snap shots and anecdotes- it’s very hard to judge a relationship and who did what to who.
guest_ · 3 years ago
So a judge does their best based on what the attorneys and clients provide and the case they build, on the testimonies and on the judges experience and common sense. And Depp most certainly has good lawyers who would paint the best possible picture for him. So the judge tallies all that up and decides what sounds most reasonable to them.
guest_ · 3 years ago
What’s important to remember here- is this case is a defamation suit against a third party- a media outlet. So a judge ruling against Depp doesn’t NECESSARILY have to mean that The court finds the allegations that Depp is a wide beater true. It can merely mean that the court finds that there were no damages from the statements made, or that damages weren’t proved, or that there are damages, and the statements are false, but that the one making them had reasonable cause to believe they were true at the time.
guest_ · 3 years ago
These last few points could be important if Depp appeals the UK case, and for his IS case against Heard herself. If Depp appeals in the UK, and loses again- the appeals court may simply uphold the verdict of the former court, or it may actually rule the previous verdict was made in error- but still find for the defendants if the appeals court believes that one or all of the other conditions aren’t met to claim damages.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
He did lose. Although, as Guest_ said, this isn't a criminal case about Depp's innocence Or guilt. This was a case about defamation.
I haven't caught up all the way through on the verdict but as far as I know the judge did not rule that Depp was a wife-beater, they merely ruled that the sun was allowed to SAY he's a wife-beater without repercussions.
It's not uncommon sadly. Same shit happened in the Mignogna case, except in that situation the judge ruled that it was fine for people to call a man a rapist-pedophile and deliberately threaten people who tried to hire him.
Anyone who followed the case can clearly see this was wrong, and that many news outlets deliberately manipulated evidence to make him look guilty.
Best thing you can do if you disagree with the outcome is just support Depp moving forward.
creativedragonbaby · 3 years ago
Ok can I get a summary please? I kinda tuned into one of guests posts and that’s enough reading for me today
xvarnah · 3 years ago
A few years ago Amber Heard (Depp's wife) came out with horrifying allegations of severe abuse against him.
Things like:
-He kept her prisoner for 3 days
-He threw her through a glass door or window or something
-He threw her into a fridge so hard the fridge broke
-he threw her into a bed so hard the bed broke
-He punched her and was violent with her often
-Controlled her and was for all intents and purposes a raging, drug-addict, jealous sociopath
The media latched onto this narrative with both hands, and pushed it HARD. Heard helped in this endeavour by sending them audio and video and pictures to paint Depp as an abuser
As a result Depp was fired from Disney (and several other projects) and Amber Heard gained work and was made a representative for Domestic Violence/The MeToo movement
xvarnah · 3 years ago
This went on for a few years. Except the problem was almost none of what Heard said was true. [I say "almost" because Depp admits to being a life-long user of drugs].
As more and more evidence came to light it became apparent that Heard's stories didn't match up. Photos where she had split lips or bruises were not consistent with the abuse she claimed caused them. It also became apparent many of them were faked/edited, and she was spotted completely clear of bruises immediately before and after the times the photos were taken.
Audio and video was also released in which Hear actively tried to provoke Depp to violence, then shames him when he refuses to engage (literally tells him to go jack off someone Depp had called to help diffuse one of her assaults on him).
It also came to light that Heard has a history of violence (literally hit one of her exes with her car), and lying.
I won't get into all the shit she did (though one of her assaults resulted in Depp losing the tip of
xvarnah · 3 years ago
His finger due to a bone infection).
Despite this, much of the media refused to redact or correct the stories they'd told about Depp.
One such outlet was a UK tabloid known as "The Sun," which flat-out labelled Depp a wife-beater.
I can't remember if it was the sun but one of the outlets also deliberately doctored one of the audio clips to make Depp appear abusive.
As a result of their bullshit Depp claimed he had been slandered and sued the Sun (correct me if I have the wrong media outlet there) for defamation.
The case has been dragging on for several months, and on Monday the judge finally gave a verdict which to my understanding more or less said The Sun didn't owe Depp for damage done.
The Sun took this as permission and has resumed slagging Depp as a wife-beater, saying the court had found him guilty of being abusive, and all kinds of other wonderful shit like that.
interesting · 3 years ago
I feel like there should be more comments here, longer ones as well. I feel like you guys skimped on the details.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
I can't speak for Guest_, but I actually left out a LOT of details. Unfortunately deliberate omission (or outright fabrication) of details came very close to destroying a man's life in this particular case. So I prefer to be thorough
guest_ · 3 years ago
Lol. I am in line with xvarnah on this one. I didn’t leave out as many details pertaining to this particular case (certainly there is far more to law that I left out- but nothing particularly important to the case at hand.) and yes, I think that it is important to be thorough, especially here in context, because it is the reduction of complex information to easily digested “catchy” blurbs that leads to headlines like “so and so is a wife beater” and hence the issue at hand. But to simply say that is too short as well, the other danger being that to freedom of speech when we conflate incorrect information with malicious lies. We need to learn that accusations don’t equal guilt, that rulings in law for or against an accusation don’t prove or disprove the accusation- they merely prove that procedure and evidence at the least do not support an allegation. We need to learn nuance- guilt of one aspect doesn’t equal guilt of all aspects, and innocence of one aspect doesn’t equal innocence...
guest_ · 3 years ago
.. of all aspects. This stuff needs to be drilled into peoples heads until they learn to think. We are heading towards a thoughtless society which simultaneously wants to be empowered to have control over almost every aspect of society. Like children running a preschool. If we don’t take the time to inform people, and hopefully help them understand WHY and not just WHAT, their chances of learning on their own when they have had as long as they have to... are slim. So communal knowledge you know? We can teach each other the things we do not know. Everyone has some things they don’t know.
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
@guest_ thanks of the explanation also @xavarnah if the tabloids are allowed to called him wife beater isn't that exactly what means defamation?..I just feel bad for Johnny. Tho I'm sorry I misunderstood..it was the case on the sun tabloid as you all informed so thanks y'all
blazingfrags · 3 years ago
Recently saw post on Instagram by Johnny Depp saying he's been asked to resign from that Grindelwald movie by Warner Bros and also he won't get the role of jack sparrow...I wanna see him in these movies but more then that I wish he atleast get justice cause he's probably been going through shitton of issues
creativedragonbaby · 3 years ago
It’s not defamation if it’s written; it’s libel
xvarnah · 3 years ago
It's still defamation, I think you're confusing defamation with slander.
But either way @blazingfrags it IS defamation. But the judge didn't follow the law. There's rumors as to why but since I can't verify them I won't repeat them.
Either way Depp plans to appeal it. And he has another suit he's filing (or filed) at some point in the US as well.
I am not kidding when I say Heard is one of the single vilest excuses for a human-shaped flesh bag in existence. The fact that depp lost this case is a huge miscarriage of justice. The fact that Heard isn't behind bars is even more of one.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
There's a decent chance he won't get justice in court. Especially not in the era where "MeToo" exists But "MenToo" is taboo for some fucking reason. But that's why I say support him outside of it.
Doesn't matter if you think he's a great human being or anything. If you think what happened to him was wrong... then the best justice is to NOT let these assholes drive him into the ground.
It's the only way anything will ever change.
creativedragonbaby · 3 years ago
Bruh it’s a fucking quote from J Jonah Jameson in Spiderman
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Lol I wondered if it was that quote briefly but I assumed I was wrong