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savage_demmigod · 3 years ago
Oh my gosh inside out made me fucking bawl there too especially because I had just moved halfway across the country at the time so I could really relate to all that too. Thanks so much for the personal reply
Take it easy my guy, and remember that you're epic as fuck even when you're depressed lol. We all tend to forget that sometimes
adam44 · 3 years ago
@dr_richard_ew Side note: It is not YOUR depression. It is not your possession. It is not a part of you. You are having a rough time and until a doctor diagnoses you do not accept it. I do not accept diagnoses I am unhappy with. You choose who you are. If you want to be depressed then accept it. If you do not then fight it. I know people tend to argue this point with me but at the end of the day the only one who controls your mind is you. Teach your mind to accept depression or to accept happiness. That is your decision and can and should be made by no external forces. I wish I was softer but this is the best I can do. You're a good friend and I wouldn't offer this if you were not.
who_cares · 3 years ago
You are a gem, you know that.
guest_ · 3 years ago
@dr_richard_ew- I appreciate your kind words. I get where you are coming from, mental health issues aren’t called the “silent disease” for nothing. I wish there was more friends and family, and society, could do to help. How are you doing today? About the same, or...?
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
@guest_ I'm definitely doing better today. I mean, I still have that shit project, but I'm not feeling completely hopeless today, so thats good
cakelover · 3 years ago
Good to hear sir
guest_ · 3 years ago
@dr_richard_ew- I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. I wish you luck on the project. Don’t sweat it. Life is full or triumphs and failures. But even when you have to tell yourself, convince yourself and don’t want to believe it, just remember it’s never hopeless. You’re made of sterner stuff. You will always find a way, that way just might not be obvious in the moment, and it might take you down different roads than the ones you’d expected.
rawreh · 3 years ago
Keep slogging on!!
you got this far u can finish it !
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
Quick update on this project: its done! Well, more so, I'm done. Yeah theres a part of it I just couldn't figure out. For context the program is a sudoku validator, where you input a text file of numbers and it tells you if what you added could be a valid sudoku Puzzle. I have it verifying the horizontal and vertical lines, but I cant get the 3x3 boxes to work. And honestly, I couldn't care less now. I cant work it out, my classmates cant work it out, the issue is either my program is bugged in a way we cant realize or I'm dumb and the grid I'm implementing is genuinely incorrect in the boxes. Either way, I'm done with it, so it's time to move on
cakelover · 3 years ago
Well done!
And thanks for the update
Good to know you're a wee bit better
rawreh · 3 years ago
Right on !! oooooffff sounds like brain melting stuff hahaha
savage_demmigod · 3 years ago
WHOOOP WHOOP!! Nicely done
guest_ · 3 years ago
Dad always used to say, if it ain’t gotta fly and it ain’t gotta float- f$ck it. Good enough.
catfluff · 3 years ago
Heya fam, didn't read through the entire thread but I feel you 100%.
Just know that we think you are pretty fucking cool and enjoy having you here and you're awesome. I'm glad your assignment reached completion! Fucking kudos, take a bong or something, and just have a you day.
Also sometimes shit seems hard, and other people saying it isn't just makes you feel even worse, cause "if it's so easy why can't I just fucking do it" y'know. I try to keep in mind that they try to make it seem less scary so you can actually attempt it, but unfortch it doesn't remove the mountain of screaming awfulness you are experiencing on the inside. You could, perhaps, watch How to ADHD's YouTube videos regarding the Wall of Awful to help you understand why you might be feeling that way. Didn't make me do my assignments but at least made me feel slightly less of a shitty human being.
catfluff · 3 years ago
I hope that you are doing a tad better at least, and know that your funsub family is here for you. *sends you kitten hugs*
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
So uh... update... I failed the project. I failed hard. I failed so hard my teacher is genuinely pissed at me
adam44 · 3 years ago
Don't take on others emotions. It's in the past. Focus on what's coming and try again.
happy_frog · 3 years ago
That sucks. But you did your best, that's all anyone can really ask of you. Can you at least redo it?
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
I dont think I can happy_frog. Also idk but this is gonna severely hurt me bc this fucker (along with my next 2 assignments) were all worth 30%, so now I'm forced to ace the next two or ultimately fail the class
deleted · 3 years ago
Highs and lows man. 2020 was a shitty year anyway. Believe in yourself and you will nail this.