adam44 · 3 years ago
Usually I am quite confrontational when it comes to authorities. I don't trust those with a lot of power who have easy ways to pervert it. However, in an out-of-character moment I had a thought.
I am not alone. There are many people who think COVID is being overblown. I have confirmed evidence that the government is mandating nurses in my area to claim that COVID killed someone even though the person had COVID but didn't die of the disease. There's a lot of controversy about the fact that this virus has come out of a Chinese lab and that China has had very few cases. However, with all the circumstances and conspiracy therories aside, I have to wonder if the government is exaggerating COVID by a large degree because there are people like me who instantly expect the worst, demand the most, and will sacrifice the least, and they know that regardless about our feelings towards the ruling powers that they should and want to protect us. As corrupt as my government is I have to wonder if-
adam44 · 3 years ago
between the sides of "You are infringing on my rights" and the other side of "shut down everything and hide" is a government who is simply surprised and is trying to be helpful.
interesting · 3 years ago
*obligatory Epstein didn't kill himself*
adam44 · 3 years ago
Thank you. Sincerely. I'm not speaking to history or saying the government is blameless. I am aware of Epstein and fully understand he was assassinated. My thought simply is, what if in this instance, a large portion of the government is simply scaring us into action to be safe by altering the numbers? I hope I am expressing myself well.
jingle · 3 years ago
That could be a possibility.