cakelover · 3 years ago
Do you have any proton packs handy?
Seriously tho, you could always set up a camera
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Idk they seem like pretty chill ghosts. They made the pillows all comfy for me.
mialinay · 3 years ago
Do you live alone?
adam44 · 3 years ago
You probably just moved them in your sleep. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. People can do a lot when sleep walking.
cakelover · 3 years ago
@adam44 casually shaving with Occam's razor
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My youngest brother had a habit of sleep walking.
See every day when we got up as kids we had to make our beds before we did anything.
So when he get up while sleep walking first thing he do once out of bed was make it.
It’s usually the first sign he notices next morning that he was sleep walking. He would wake up on top of his covers instead of in them.
panicatthedisco · 3 years ago
Ive done some wild things while sleepwalking/talking- entire conversations, down and up two flights of stairs, etc. I believe just about anything can be done so stacking pillows seems like no problem at all to be honest.
adam44 · 3 years ago
@cakelover That's why I don't have a beard, good sir.
@captainjackharkness One of my sisters slept walked....Sleep walked? Slept walk...English sucks. Anyways, it's not that uncommon and I believe stress is a big contributor to sleep walking. You'll have to verify that though.