changetheworld · 3 years ago
1. If you recognize that you did some things that were unkind to other people, even back in sixth grade (I don't know how old you are now), perhaps you should apologize. It may sound weird, but it may be a meaningful gesture to people, even if it is years/decades later.
2. To be blunt: people are not obligated to be friends with you on social media. If it "consumes" you (to use your words) that certain people do not want to be your friends, then I seriously suggest you take a break from social media. (I mean that lovingly, for the sake of your mental health). If you are not friends with these people "in real life" and are not close to them, then why does it matter if you are friends with them on social media? What are you hoping to get out of that?
3. You can't make people like you. You should like you, and that should be a life-long journey of growing yourself into a better person. If you do that, you will become friends with people that want to be in your life and vice versa.
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Something else to be aware of - social media is literally designed to make you miserable. And that's not an exaggeration, they did studies on it.
If these people want nothing to do with you, and you already did your best to make amends, there's not a lot you can do about them. What you CAN do is find other people to connect with. Maybe join groups that have similar interests as you to start
dash224 · 3 years ago
Thanks guys! I have actually considered taking a break, and my boyfriend has even recommended the same thing. I agree that it is unhealthy and not benefiting me in any way.