karlboll · 3 years ago
Sounds like some kind of researcher.
bensen · 3 years ago
I reckon that’d be the perfect job for me
I can’t find a job I like because I like so many different things
karlboll · 3 years ago
Maybe becoming a Cultural Anthropologist would be an interesting career for you. Here's a link https://study.com/articles/Cultural_Anthropologist_Job_Description_and_Info_About_a_Career_in_Cultural_Anthropology.html
bensen · 3 years ago
I’d like to work in pop culture
karlboll · 3 years ago
That's what I was thinking of, anthropology is about understanding culture through analysis. As an example; my ex girlfriend has a degree in feminist anthropology and sociology. She works for universities and organisations who needs that competence. I'm not sure, since it's not my field, but I'm suggesting you might get a degree in cultural anthropology to study pop-culture and (this is just me thinking) work in that field. I'd like to give further guidance but I'm getting beyond what I actually know so a student advisor or someone in that field will be better at giving you advice. Send an email to someone who works as a cultural anthropologist and they might know more.
From my ex's work it seemed really interresting.
bensen · 3 years ago
Thank you that sounds awesome :D
karlboll · 3 years ago
Glad I could help :)