ooops · 3 years ago
I don't really like him, personally. I watched his stuff for a while, and some videos were better than others, but overall, it felt overly critical (big surprise there) to the point of being purposefully ignorant. Then, when I found out about all the issues their company with the way they treated people early on, I was like "Yeah, I don't like this enough to keep watching." That said, if it makes you happy, go for it. It's not really hurting anyone (anymore, that we know of), and entertainment preferences are completely personal.
deleted · 3 years ago
I stopped watching him about 4 or 5 years ago, whenever he started doing reviews without footage of the movie in them, but in the last 2 months I've started watching him again. He's a big part of my childhood in a way (so is Decker Shado and Goodbadflicks, which people should check out).
bensen · 3 years ago
He had a comeback video that discusses all that and he decided to be nicer from now on
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
A lot of crap came from Channel Awesome a couple years ago due to certain allegations, and a lot of people have since discredited his work after then... me though, I still enjoy his stuff. After the whole ProJared situation I've chosen to ignore the individual's private life and just enjoy the content. So even though someone may have done bad stuff and gotten removed like CallMeCarson, I don't care, I just enjoy the videos and tell the haters to fuck off
bensen · 3 years ago
Who’s callmecarson?
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
A youtuber. He made a ton of funny videos and even became part of some memes (like that one of him crying with Joe from family guy in the background). Recently it was found out that he used his youtube power to pressure a underage girl (underage in the sense that he was 19 at the time and she was 17) into sending him nude photos. I may not be 100% with the story, so don't quote me word for word unless I am correct, but essentially he's no longer on youtube now.
I recommend searching the story for yourself. I never watched much of his stuff (minus his collab with JaidenAnimations), but his content seems pretty funny, and it really does suck what happened.
bensen · 3 years ago
Oh wow that’s bad :O but what does that have to do with The Critic?
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
I mentioned him bc, even though he did a ton of bad stuff, if I ever wanted to I'm gonna watch his stuff anyway bc I stopped comparing content creator to their content a long time ago. Same with the critic, a big controversy came out that caused a lot of people to lose respect for him, but man, I don't give a fuck, I still like his videos lol