deleted · 3 years ago
For context, we've known each other for a few years, but have never even flirted. I'm trying to get him interested in a show, because I think he'd enjoy it, but I think he's been viewing these "movie/show" nights as date nights. Now he's wanting to cuddle.
I do not like physical touch. It makes me uncomfortable. Beyond that, I'm asexual and not interested in romantic relationships. Yeah, I'm 27 and I'll think kissing is gross. No thanks, fam.
To add on top of that, we would not be a good pair, and he's moving across the country in less than two weeks.
famousone · 3 years ago
I'm a direct action kinda guy, so my advice is to just try some open and clear communication.
If that ain't your thing, maybe wait for the issue to solve itself in less than two weeks (unless I'm misunderstanding that bit)?
Without really knowing both of you, I'm not sure how much good advice you'll get. But I'm glad to help if you want.
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
With stuff like this, I would say follow famous' former advice. A clean cut is better than coy serration.
deleted · 3 years ago
You not being comfortable with physical contact should tell him enough, and you shouldn't feel obliged to make any explicit statements or whatever when it's that obvious. Contrary to a popular belief, boys/men are actually capable of getting subtle signals, and if he's the type to ignore them, direct and open words won't change that.
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
It's not only about the physical touch tho. The guy is literally thinking of a movie night with friend as a date night.
famousone · 3 years ago
Clearly this guy is a bit denser than many. I figured this is a situation that requires either a firm hand, or going ghost on the guy.
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
You've know each other for years so like can't you just be frank about it. Im 19 btw... heh feel free to ignore this.
deleted · 3 years ago
I did end up being frank with him and telling him that I was not ready for a relationship.
My guess is he figured he'd do a last ditch effort before moving, because if it went bad then no harm done cuz he's moving across the country anyway.
He claims he just wanted platonic snuggling, but that's not really a thing in my mind. If you've got two people cuddling on a couch with their arms around each other, that's a couple.
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
Unless and until it's really old friends and very open-minded people, platonic cuddling doesn't exist.
deleted · 3 years ago
Platonic snuggling? Ask Liz Lemon
spookykink58 · 3 years ago
I have only one thing to say, "Good God, Lemon!"
deleted · 3 years ago
Plot twist to make it even better; today is his birthday.
adam44 · 3 years ago
You can complicate it and concern yourself with affecting him or expect him to know how you feel without making "explicit statements". Just ask his intentions and tell him yours.