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funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
LOL if they can't laugh at that why would you wanna try working with them in the first place? That's amazing XD
dash224 · 3 years ago
I don't know if someone will take it as racist, and then paint me out to be a racist.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Just be true to yourself. You found a joke funny and mt'd it, it's nowhere near the end of the world.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
If they do fire you, start calling them fake dragonites; after 2-3 turns the fake outrage will confuse themselves.
SuperDave · 3 years ago
If you sent her the URL from (FS), do you want me to delete the image from it? ?
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
er "shiny dragonites" mY bAd
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
Btw... shiny dragonites are green and filled up with jelly
dash224 · 3 years ago
@SuperDave, thank you for your help! But I copied the meme and sent it to her. I wish I would've done that now
dash224 · 3 years ago
I hope I can laugh at this by the end of the week
mia_linay · 3 years ago
I'm sure you will. Did you follow up with anything? Like, oops, wrong person, wrong meme or smth?
dash224 · 3 years ago
Yes, but you never know who will get offended these days
dash224 · 3 years ago
I just really hope nothing happens
mia_linay · 3 years ago
Well what did they say?
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
^ I too am curious
dash224 · 3 years ago
Nothing. Which is why I'm even more nervous
strawberrymoon · 3 years ago
Don’t worry... it happens.
dash224 · 3 years ago
Thank you. So far nothing has happened
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
If anyone was gonna get triggered over it, it probably would become apparent by now and you'd know. I'm pretty sure you're in the clear. Worst case scenario, anyone who really takes offense to such a funny joke would find a way to try to cancel you regardless, so if anything you accidently preformed a litmus test on the people around you and found out everyone's pH level is balanced. I see it as a win ^^
dash224 · 3 years ago
Lol you are right. Although it’s hard to think that way when you’re living it
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
I get death threats from my own mother, I think i've lived it enough =p.