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risingflames · 3 years ago
I got sinovac and felt no side effects of any sort, but the relatives of mine that got Pfizer felt side effects, mostly just arm pain, for a day or two at most, so there isn't much to be afraid of.
mr_pigeonwizard · 3 years ago
I got the Pfizer vaccine, and for me the only reaction I had was some tenderness in the muscle they shot the vaccine into, it lasted about a day and half
karlboll · 3 years ago
Like @mr_pigeonwizard I gott the Pfizer and the same effects. Not much trouble. My needle phobia was way worse. The way I handle it is not looking at the needle and thinking intensely about something else. It helps if I tell the nurse that I'm phobic and that is like them not to tell me what's going on until it's over.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
trust me; you won't feel it.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
oh; the side effects; you will feel, which is the point. The jabby needle is what won't be felt.
typow777 · 3 years ago
I had the J@J cold like symptoms for 2 days. My arm hurt like a bitch.
Definitely worth it
bensen · 3 years ago
Just don’t like injections.
deleted · 3 years ago
Don't worry bensen, these doctors know what they're doing and a lot of people are afraid of injections. I was a little worried too, and I'm a grown man. Both times I didnt even feel the prick!
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
^--- see. I really wish most injections were as easy as the 2 for the vaccine; they straight up stab you and you don't feel anything; a needle like that for most over things, with them not going arrrrr in the stabbing would make any shot better. As for the side effects after; just to add, a warm blanket and don't lay on the arm that gets stabbed; put that towards the sky so you aren't putting pressure on it.
karlboll · 3 years ago
@bensen I can relate. I walk funny for a whole day after being poked with a needle. But it's worth it.
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Ahem. Thats not the vaccine.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
bensen · 3 years ago
I also have blood tests every two days (my dad does it for me) so I guess it won’t be any worse than that! Worried though- does the first one make you sick and the second one cure it? Confused :/
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
No, they both give you a little dose to build up immunity gradually. First dose makes you a bit stronger, second one makes you way stronger :) Everyone isn't sick with it, I know several people who've done it and have had no side effect at all, even fever.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
There are always side effects; that's the point. Degree of impact may be different, but if anyone tells you they felt nothing the second injection did not work right. You're body is supposed to be upset. Now a vague general unsettledness? That'd means the vaccination works and you have a dope immune system; congrats... but there still was.
calvinoot · 3 years ago
My best advice for when you get injections with a needle is afterward move ur shoulder a LOT. If not your likely to feel pretty hurty the next day and have a stiff shoulder, so after the injection move your shoulder and arm around and then you'll most likely feel a bit better the coming days :)
bensen · 3 years ago
Had it today, barely felt it :) not looking forward to my booster shot though :(
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Take care yo
karlboll · 3 years ago
Yaaaaay, you did well!