scatmandingo · 3 years ago
I feel like they packed all the COVID/George Floyd/woke stuff into the first episode to get it out of the way. I thought the second was a lot better.
deleted · 3 years ago
@scatmandingo why are they writing Amy like that?
They make mothers look horrible. I remember an episode in season 6 where they also make her an entitled bitch. Remember the debate in hospital episode. She's my favourite character till season 5, then she went downhill fast.
deleted · 3 years ago
*She was
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
Dunno. They were playing with fire by letting the characters get married. That can kill a show’s dynamic. Now they have to write in a baby so I think they are struggling. Especially with the COVID pause knocking everything off it’s rhythm.
deleted · 3 years ago
Any similar series you know about?
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Wait WHAT!? Omar deleted his acoount??!?
nicengelman · 3 years ago
Dude we desperately need some kind of explanation on this one. Did he even say anything before he deleted himself?
deleted · 3 years ago
Yes, I'm leaving funsub. Tired of some political and islamophobic shit on this site. I don't feel it is my safe space anymore. I'm sorry I didn't say anything because I don't wanna start random shit. I will miss you @xlaxxine @nicengelman @cakelover especially @purplepumpkin.
cakelover · 3 years ago
That's a shame. You were good to have around, and clearly a decent cook
deleted · 3 years ago
I created an account just to comment that lol.
nicengelman · 3 years ago
I'm sorry to see you go, I wish we could do more to make you feel welcome but I understand where you're coming from
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Feel you. I haven't been around much lately due to awful connection but I haven't missed it that much for the same reasons. I'm sorry to see you go but I hope it'll be better for you. I'll keep your dal phuri recipe around :)
deleted · 3 years ago
@nicengelman 7 years ago when I subscribed, I loved our little community then it got corrupted by entitled know it alls who do not do any research on their subject, always trying to provoke and won't bother to read your response but continue to stir up shit. Some claim they are things they are not. I think some of you already know 2-3 people whom I'm referring to. I don't remember subscribing to 4chan or reddit. We were small but we had a nice thing going on. Anyway, thanks for the memories, this will be my final comment. Bye and have great fun, you beautiful people (even if you are now a minority here).
nicengelman · 3 years ago
It's really sad, the wrong people are leaving
xlaxxine · 3 years ago
Aw man i wish we had interacted more, but I understand. Stay healthy and good luck on your cooking adventures dude. I'll definitely miss getting hungry at midnight after seeing your posts :p. Bye man.
catfluff · 3 years ago
Aww, sorry to see you go @omar1992
nicengelman · 3 years ago
I know you might not read this comment if you're already gone but if you see it, for the rest of us, please report whoever was making the comments. It's not fair that we lose a seven year member while being stuck with some assholes that are making funsub inhospitable
nicengelman · 3 years ago
You know what, fuck that, anyone at all who knows what's up, report those members. There are basic rules to this site and anyone who breaks them can be removed