scatmandingo · 2 years ago
That link isn’t clickable so I just went to the website. This article is sandwiched between one that claims that Joe Biden has never physically stepped foot in the White House and another that refers to Anthony Fauci as “Dr. Fraudci”. You will have to excuse me if I can’t take this source as reliable or unbiased.
jasonmon · 2 years ago
@jd1984_1 You're several phases of disinformation behind the curve. You should get TikTok so you can share your disinformation before it's completely disproven. Robert Malone didn't invent mRNA vaccines. And he is definitely vaccinated. And he is definitely advocating for people to get vaccinated ASAP.
The first two sentences of the article: "We give you two big videos. Watch them and tell us what you thing."
I "thing" you should try harder if you want to spread complete BS. Have a great day!
deleted · 2 years ago
I realize "The Atlantic" might not be the most favored source around here, but I think the article on Malone and his scepticism is quite nuanced:
deleted · 2 years ago
Best is how this truther site thetruereporter (lol) actually says their source was "" ... can't make this up.