nicengelman · 2 years ago
I'm afraid I'm not totally up to date on your situation, what's going on? Sorry for being in the dark
iccarus · 2 years ago
my father got sick, been going every weekend to visit, weekend prior, my bike broke down on easter sunday, the first weekend i couldn't go, my father dies
iccarus · 2 years ago
seems my family think the funeral needs to be around other people's schedules
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I am so, so sorry. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now
iccarus · 2 years ago
i'm ok, more pissed off that my bike broke down the week before so i opted not to visit the weekend he passed, my uncle, his brother, chose to go on a Sunday to see him, had a week to visit, but he pased on Saturday night, they hadn't seen each other since before the pandemic.
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I'm sure that, wherever your father is, he understands completely and doesn't hold it against anyone
iccarus · 2 years ago
my father is the type that would say, "It's saturday, you go or don't, i don't care"
nicengelman · 2 years ago
This has to be so rough, do you have any kind of support with all this?
iccarus · 1 year ago
i'm dealing with it