What are your worst fears?
by akkward_panda · 16 comments 8 years ago
americassuperhero · 8 years ago
The death of a family member.
fruitcakecat · 8 years ago
Like phobias or like nightmares kind of fears like that ^
texasranger · 8 years ago
My imaginary friend he tells me to do things
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
The worry that I lack any real emotional connection to human beings.
fruitcakecat · 8 years ago
Slowly going insane is my fear
fruitcakecat · 8 years ago
I'm afraid that I might one day
otamega · 8 years ago
People realizing I have nothing to offer them and that I'm incapable of loving anyone well
mamaschimichangas · 8 years ago
People being able to read my thoughts :0
idontevenknow · 8 years ago
I'm afraid of fish..
luka362 · 8 years ago
I'm afraid of germs
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
The more basic fears I have are: Holes, Clowns, the Dark, Daleks, Love.
My odd fears are: being forgotten, being left alone, myself, never doing anything with my life, my psychopathic mind, my sexuality, losing my friends, people seeing the truest part of me.
deathfox393 · 8 years ago
The darkness, dying without love, losing any body parts, bees, have my body basically become a shell for my mind (my body can't move Or anything like that but my brain is completely fine
sammi_totoro · 8 years ago
not being able to save someone
saywecanfly22 · 8 years ago
Spiders or losing someone
rawr_imma_dinoo · 8 years ago
spazz · 8 years ago
Drifting endlessly through space, and losing my loved ones