metalman · 8 years ago
In my opinion, it'd be better to break off an unhealthy relationship than to continue it. When this person positively affected your life was that a while back? Do they still positively benefit you?
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
He was there for me after my ex, who I refer to as Peggy. She broke my heart into pieces, stole my innocence, and my first kiss. He put me back together into something resembling a person. Then he asked me out. Nowadays, like I said, we don't really talk.
unicycle · 8 years ago
Sometimes it's better to just cut certain people out of your life. Yes, it's painful, but you can recognize the positive impact they had on you without continuing to exist in a stressful situation. You can survive without his friendship, and all your mutual friends will deal with it.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
It can be painful, but try to be gentle. Explain why, and be honest.
deleted · 8 years ago
It is very difficult and you will never forget this or the feelings that come with it but I agree with tarot and unicycle. You have to end it properly. He's helped you a lot in ur life but loads of people will come and go and have positive/negative impacts so don't hold on if you don't have ur heart in it. 4 months is quite some time so if its been the same way with u guys not talking much or u really not feeling it and just want out.. then leave. You'll hurt urself more if u carry on.
Explain to him carefully why u even said yes at the start. Explain what's in ur head. Explain that u guys haven't really been a couple anyway and u don't have those sort of feelings. That its more like a friendly thing. He needs to know the truth. If he understands and wants to keep as a friend then let him. Don't make it awkward. If he keeps disagreeing, be strong and keep saying no and why that no. He can't do anything nor can he make u change ur mind if he does truly care.