mr1 · 8 years ago
realize this site may not be the best for this type of stuff but if there's one thing you people tend to be good at, it's being nice. so thank you to any of you who offer actual help.
gwenpool · 8 years ago
I'm sorry I can't help much, but try asking this on Quora. You'll get better help there and the responses you get will probably come after. :) All the best!
deleted · 8 years ago
I agree with @matthewg, let your friend know your intentions and feelings towards his sister. Even if he doesn't like it you've at least been honest with him. If he isn't happy about the whole thing you should still go for it and just talk to her (I know it can be difficult cus you're crazy nervous about it) casually. Find something you're both interested in. Be honest and upfront and BE YOURSELF! Don't try to over impress her. Girls see through stuff like that better than Superman X-Ray vision.
Good luck with it all, let us know how you fare! ;)