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rwby_rose · 8 years ago
I see your point. I'll try that,thanks. :)
heirofiron · 8 years ago
What exactly are you having trouble with? Cause I know lots of different tips, but if there's one area specifically you need help with - such as building unique worlds and/or characters - I could give you some different tips.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
I mainly have trouble with grammar and figuring out the conversations between characters.
heirofiron · 8 years ago
Ah! Alright, grammar is a bit tricky to give someone tips for, since it's just learning the write way to word something/which words or punctuation to use/etc. That you'll learn to do with practice. For dialogue, if you have the basic topic down that you want them to talk about, think through each character's personality, try to put yourself in their shoes. Set up generic questions relating to the topic, and respond how that character would. From there, put yourself into another character (don't take that the wrong way) and change the generic questions/responses into something more they would say. If you're struggling with sentence flow in dialogue, try using one of those "speech to text" things. I've found it's easier to say what I want than to type, since text always seems choppier. This trick can be used for writing a whole story, actually, since it makes the text flow better.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Got it,thank you so much,I really appreciate the tips!
heirofiron · 8 years ago
Nooo problem! (I dunno if you remember me, buuuut it's IrishRiver. My account was deleted for some reason)
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Omggg hai gurl
Odd that your account got deleted,but it's nice to see that you're back! ^-^
heirofiron · 8 years ago
Hah yuuup. I half think my brother deleted it because I continually forgot to log out.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Well dang. But what makes you think it might be him?
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
there are some great grammar sites and you might also want to try a friend who's willing to proofread :)
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Well I only have internet friends (but they're absolutely awesome) but I'll be sure to search for some grammar sites!
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
Steal everything. People say nothing is original anymore, and to a degree, they are right. Doesn't mean you can't have fun with you want to do with the concept. When you world-build, be sure to layout everything you know about it, and expand when necessary. Avoid having characters with one track emotions, someone who is always weeping will never have anything else to them, and someone who is always angry will only be amusing at least once. Everyone has a level of depth to them, but let the reader figure out somethings on their own. Drop hints, but never confirm suspicions until the time is right. Exposition shortens, but cheapens the experience, but don't be afraid to quickly explain simple things.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
That was great advice,thank you!
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
My advice to you is this: 1) Look for inspiration everywhere. I found that taking my characters on things I experience myself allows for the little fraction of realism in my fanfics. Don't ever be afraid to insert yourself! (As long as its brief and you do not become a main character. That is annoying, and overwritten) 2) Brevity is a proof of wit. A fic doesn't have to be long to be good. I've read amazing fanfics under 2,000 words. Long fics are difficult to commit to. I have a 42 chapter monster that took 1+ years to write. 3) Talk like your characters in everyday conversation. I do this a lot, especially for my Doctor Who fics. Writing with british slang and dialect is hard. The only way I get my dialogue to sound natural is if I say it myself. 4) REWRITE! A LOT! I don't consider myself a writing god, but I'll admit my work is good. But never on the first try. Try to write a chapter all at once, and then go back to edit. Writing all at once keeps good flow. I usually edit a chapter
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
4-5 times before posting it. Then I send it to a friend who reads it, and gives me comments, and then I do one last check, and then I post it. 5)Read LOTS of other fanfics. See how other people write, see what tropes are popular. Pinkie pie is a rock star? How can I rewrite that, but better? What if Hermione taught Literature in a high school, and Ron taught basic cooking? How would they fall in love? Take ideas and make them your own. Don't just copy popular fics, however, the point it to grow, and cover a variety of fandoms and tropes. Write Romance, write Adventure, see what you write best! Writing is the most basic window to your soul. Let it be an honest window, eh?
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Thanks so much! Btw,where do you post fics that you write? I'd love to read some of yours!
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
Hehehe ummmm. I have a wattpad, but most of them are cringestastic mlp fics I wrote when I was 12. I have an AO3 but the fic isn't finished yet. Most of my good fics are still being written, and in 4 different notebooks. My wattpad is Lost_Pegasister, and my AO3 is RandomFandomGirl. :) don't cringe too hard.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Lol I'll be sure to check out both accounts! I'm ready to cringe at fics that 12 year old you wrote! xD
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
Secret Life is my most popular fic (I dunno how) its an MLP High school AU. But -Friends- is one I'm writing currently so its about 60% less cringey than my past one.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Ah,alright! I'll be sure to check em out!