chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
That sounds really cool! I'd need to know more about your plans for the plot to suggest any improvements, but I really like the idea!
rosebud · 8 years ago
no offense, but I feel like I've seen this done before. the "person steals from someone else because they're in poverty" deal. it's happened, so hopefully yours can stay out. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just saying it could be better.
deleted · 8 years ago
Maybe another name for her besides miss thief. An orginal name that stands out.
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
Like what? I really wanted something that was painfully obvious. That would not only make Scotland Yard feel dumb for not knowing, but shock them for the robber to be a woman.
Oh, and @banana she isn't stealing because she's poor. She's stealing because she finds it fun. She doesn't sell anything she steals. (Which totally bites her in the ass later on)
rosebud · 8 years ago
Okay, and the end part sounds different, which is great! But the stealing part because of whatever still kinda seems like a cliche to me. You may have a little difficulty trying to find a literary agent, and then a publisher, to take this on for you.
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
Like I said, I know its not going to be easy.
But I am really trying hard to make it as unique and different as possible.
Thanks for your imput!
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
Maybe you could find some cool old names from like Norway or something that was masculine so she could sign it and then maybe have her try to make as many hints as possible but somehow Scotland Yard keeps being idiots and misses it. I dunno, just a thought.
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
Thanks! I actually like that idea
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
How about
"Lady Lleidr" (Lleidr is thief is welsh?)
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
That's cool! I love that!
deleted · 8 years ago
Well if it does become published I'll buy it
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
This support and feedback means a lot to me :3
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
I'll buy it too! Make sure to let us know how everything goes and I'd be more than happy to keep making random suggestions if the need arises.
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
Awww thanks ^3^
randomfandomgirl · 8 years ago
But don't expect anything super soon. It may be a few years. Perhaps longer. Writing and editing isn't super lengthy, but getting accepting by an editor/ agent takes a very long time.
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
I'll be ready! :) And I'm always in the market for new books.