sammiek · 7 years ago
Could you define what you mean by his cultural views? It's such a broad topic.
solanaceae_feline · 7 years ago
@sammiek Cultural views like his stance on Muslims and Mexicans, you know? Those sorts of things. They're awfully distasteful. And @matthewg, you can google his economic plan if you want the specifics.
sammiek · 7 years ago
Maybe it's just my interpretation, but I think his biggest problem as far the Mexicans is the illegal immigration. I live on a southern border state and I know just how bad it can be sometimes. I don't think he's trying to kick everyone out for all eternity. But taking out the illegals. But there's a difference between forcing out illegal immigrants and forcing out Hispanics that are actually citizens of the country. As for the Muslims, I'll admit to not agreeing to everything he says. Personally my biggest issues comes in with the Syrian refugees, which I think is a bad idea. Especially when you look at how other countries are being affected by letting in refugees.
deleted · 7 years ago
No. That's where I disagree. The problem with the refugee crisis is the countries hosting them mad it seem as if it's a permanent solution for the refugees. I believe that countries should have open arms. Just know that if you try and intergrate them with society, you gona have a bad time
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
In a related note the market But more to the topic on hand, yes, you can fight Trump on the policies you disagree with, and should if it is within your conscience to do so. However, his message very much whitewashed about his stance on Illegal Immigrants by the media in part, and by people who were willing to eat up the narrative that Trump is racist and hates anything that isn't white or spray tan orange. Also, Presidents tend to not have a huge impact culturally. The only one I can think of the top of my head that would appear that way is Obama, and it's only because he was the first black president, and there was no other implication beyond him being the first black president.
deleted · 7 years ago
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
It's like catching up on the HBO Show, you get the one guy who's watching the season finale and has no clue what is going on and is constantly asking what's happening, when they should've watched the rest of the season before the end.
deleted · 7 years ago
CNN did not stop reporting on trump and every step he made and they made sure to attack it. If it's anybody's fault it's the media's both libtard and conservacucks. They spewed so much hate and tried to change peoples views. It's unbearably cringy. one of the CNN presenters this morning was stopped midway whilst tryna explain why the controversy around trump was unnecassary and that the dems should focus on the next election instead of this one. He was told to silence his unbiased opinion. That was what made this election shit.
spazz · 7 years ago
My thoughts on the matter; No matter what your opinion is on Trump, the fact is that he (so far as we know) won fair and square, so he at least deserves the chance to he president. You are stuck with him for the next four years, so what you must do now is voice your opinions to him and guide him in making the right decisions. You will have him as president, so do what you can to make the best of it. I myself disliked Trump initially, but I'm willing to wait it out and see how things go (though I'm not American, so this fact mayou be irrelevant)
spazz · 7 years ago
solanaceae_feline · 7 years ago
Nicely said. Where you from, spazz?
spazz · 7 years ago
The UK :P
solanaceae_feline · 7 years ago
Ooh, I'm thinking of studying abroad there. Is it nice?
spazz · 7 years ago
Uni fees are a bit hefty (£9000+ per year) but you can take a loan, and the debt is cleared once you hit your 30s. People are nice, for the most part, but you know, like all places, you will find assholes. Education is good, but exams are getting increasingly tougher :P
solanaceae_feline · 7 years ago
Ah, gotcha. Maybe just a semester then. Thanks :)
spazz · 7 years ago
No problem :)
geluregis · 7 years ago
That price isn't too far off from ours, but no debt forgiveness.