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rosebud · 7 years ago
Well, if you need direction, I can expand on him.
He's a loner kinda guy that doesn't really know his sexuality that well. He's on the fence about girls. He's dated girls before but nothing went too far with them. Now he's alone and sad.
randomfandomgirl · 7 years ago
Alright. That is better, thanks. :D
deleted · 7 years ago
If you ever need a look into the mind of a potential serial killer I'm always here
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I don't know what type of characters you want but I'll try to make one up that's fun to write with.
Name :Lisa Delche
Age: young adult ish, mayeb 18-19
She's sweet, kind and sympathetic. On the outside. She's extremely observant and intelligent but acts like a bit of a ditz to make it more fun for her. She likes to manipulate, get into peoples hands until she can pretty make map out who they are and their weaknesses just incase they piss her off. She keeps a book of everyone she's ever met and everything she knows about them and observes. She can't feel. She knows she's suppose to so she just act. She treats people like books, once she's read them she throws them away. She needs a challenge to entertain herself, she likes to find someone who is difficult to read so it's harder for her to get inside them mentally.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
into peoples heads*
Hope that helps in some way! :)
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
Wow @randomfandomgirl when you've finished writing it you should post a link here, I'd love to read it!
Name: Eleanor Aislynn Fitzpatrick-Gallagher (parents&friends call her Leah, Nora was used by her grandma only)
Age: 25
Noble origins, she moved from Eire to Texas when she was 12. Mom is a high school Maths teacher, dad is a historian and writer (fights between them are frequent, but they love each other; this situation made Leah love silence and disappear as soon as drama appeared in her relationships). Her grandmother on her father's side was a heart surgeon and her death broke Leah's heart. Speaks Russian and German fluently. Plays cello. Has ADHD (in treatment). Was expelled from University. Can't absolutely draw, dance, iron and talk slowly. Utterly afraid of cats. Her favourite number is 7. She's a drugs&medication expert. Good friend.
Loves: classical music, fish, order&hygiene.
Hates: her hair (auburn blonde) being touched, sleeping in, injustice&lies.
spazz · 7 years ago
If it's cyberpunk, then cyborgs may be a good character trait. Imagine one who recently got malfunctioning gear, accidentally installing weaponised pieces
randomfandomgirl · 7 years ago
Thanks for all the support! And ironically @spazz my main character is a cyborg.
spazz · 7 years ago
a a a a a a a a a awesome :D
randomfandomgirl · 7 years ago
And thank you @parisqeen and @thedarkknightess for the characters!
randomfandomgirl · 7 years ago
I'll try to use all of them!
deleted · 7 years ago
Name: Brodi
Really young and is a senior at the highschool. Wears big glasses, but are FOGGY. So foggy, in fact, that an older woman(Elen) must hold his hand. Thin, but so smart, he can teach a baby String Theory.
Loves: studying, homework, and the smell of new printed paper(so much, he prints all the time and it found wherever a printer can be)
Hates: the entirety of middle school, idiots who aren't willing to learn, and summer break
Name: Elen
Age: 25
Nice, kind-hearted, and beautiful mom-friend to Brodi. Usually speaks for him, but lets him speak when Brodi needs to interject. Quick-witted, always ready to grab stuff for her small friend when he needs it.
Loves: ice cream, cold foods in general, also spicy af foods(once ate a whole ghost pepper and only needed to go to sleep).
Hates: Hot foods(those that aren't spicy), Over seasoned foods(if the spice isn't spicy).
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
I'm already rooting for Elen ♡.♡
dimebag · 7 years ago
Name: Anthony Martell.
Age: 29
Incredibly racist and homophobic and he hates augmented people (cyborgs). He's a sociopath who enjoys taking advantage of people. He comes off as a very trustworthy and respectable person at first, but often betrays that trust as soon as it will benefit him.
Likes: Manipulating people, hurting people emotionally, suffering of blacks, gays and cyborgs. Also long walks on the beach.
Dislikes: Large crowds, social gatherings and physical contact without the intent to inflict pain.
la · 7 years ago
She has always been adventurous, and most of the time it does not end well for her. The daredevil, they used to call her, but that time is long gone. She's always bored now, still seems outgoing, but believes she's seen everything. Can predict what people will do quite easily. Always searching for surprises. Her parents were always busy, she doesn't care about any of her family members except her older brother, whom she has a soft spot for.
Likes: surprises, horror games, confusing people, lying, her brother
Dislikes: nature, boring people, pridictabilty
Note: She envys her past self that was never bored, and dislikes talking about her past
She has started mildly disliking her brother for being predicable, but he has started surprising her lately, seems like he is not who she thought he was ( you can make up her brother or I can do it later if you want to use her)
randomfandomgirl · 7 years ago
HOLY SHIT @DIMEBAG THAT IS LITERALLY THE PLOT OF MY BOOK HOLY SHIT! (Are Cyborgs like humans? Do they deserve rights?)
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Thomas Cyn
Cyn is a worker at a scrapyard, cutting and salvaging broken machinery, and a killer for hire. Being a visual learner did not help advance his higher education, so he opted instead for the opportunity to put his hands to work. Lost his arm in a work related accident and had it replaced, and is going deaf in one ear. Speaks often out loud to himself, and doesn't seem to care that others can hear his ramblings, which can run from lengthy discussions on work related subjects, or inane mutterings, such as speaking in a sequence of numbers. Thomas comes of as cool and rational to his co-workers, but his murders are especially violent often made to look like grisly accidents with machinery, like cutting the cables holding an elevator. Prefers quiet spots, alcohol, and naps. Hates being interrupted in his work, his self conversing, or being forced to draw out his killing. Likes it to be over quickly.
la · 7 years ago
Cyborgs are basically humans with mechanical parts sooo I'd say yes?@randomfandomgirl
spazz · 7 years ago
Lemme think of o o o oo o ne
spazz · 7 years ago
Name: Edward
Age: 17
Occupation: Student/Hacker/Vigilante
Brief background: Survived an "accident" st a young age, his parents were aiding the research of some confidential project, and were transporting important files. Gets critically injured, resulting in him requiring several augmentations; Neural augmentations, cybernetic arms and spine.
After growing up in a rough neighborhood with his Uncle, subject to "robophobia", Edward has acquired a very good skillset in self-defence, also being able to interfere with his enemies' devices. He is generally quite smart, and hardworking in terms of his academics, though his behavioral aspects leave a lot to be desired. He seems indifferent to suffering, though seems to have a good sense of right and wrong. He is also sometimes prone to bursts of anger, if provoked to a large extent.