I don't post much but when I do its an original meme...and probably dead
— cheesecrackers Report User
Baby 1 comments
· 7 years ago
A fossilized meme! Extraordinary!
It's Just A Number 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I was like, "woah that happened to mine, too" and then I saw your name and remembered we went to the same high school.
An important message we can all take into 2018 regardless of race, gender, creed, 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Also, we believe that humans cannot judge whether or not another human is going to heaven or hell. Saying that a person is automatically going to hell because of their beliefs or actions is both uncertain and unloving.
An important message we can all take into 2018 regardless of race, gender, creed, 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Nice atheists can go to heaven. At least, as a Catholic, we believe that a person can still enter heaven even if they are not officially baptized.
You can't have a donut, I am on a diet 59 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think it's wrong to tell someone else to not do something because of their own religion, necessarily. If i'm part of a religion where eating cabbage has a detrimental effect, then telling someone not to eat cabbage isn't necessarily wrong because I believe it will harm them. Sure, I think everyone can exercise tact, be sensitive to the topic, make sure it's right place and time, and make sure you are being caring and not demanding. But, in this scenario, it's not a matter of them disrespecting you, it's about you wanting what's best for them. And I think that's okay.
Oblivion and Skyrim 126 comments
· 7 years ago
Tomb Raider 2013
and a Nancy Drew point and click mystery.
So basically it'd be Nancy Drew's epic journey traversing the jungle and shooting enemies in the head in order to uncover the mystery of the ancient Sun Kingdom.
and a Nancy Drew point and click mystery.
So basically it'd be Nancy Drew's epic journey traversing the jungle and shooting enemies in the head in order to uncover the mystery of the ancient Sun Kingdom.
Rookie numbers 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Alright I get the campaign to save animals, but why is it an argument to become vegan? Vegetarian also accomplishes the same thing.
He even has a little red vest 2 comments
Nothing happens 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I had to room for a weekend once with a girl who had alarms go off one hour before she actually needed to get up. (I'm a light sleeper and I need to sleep a lot bc I don't drink coffee.) Anyway, we needed to get up each morning at 7 and basically I would just wake up at 6 with my pillows over my head and listen to all of her alarms go off every 5 min thinking about that hour of sleep I could have had. Smh
This is so stupid yet so beautiful 3 comments
Meanwhile in 7 comments
· 7 years ago
how do i know its not just an invisible person trying to stay warm on a cold day by eating ramen, huh?
Blyat 2 comments
· 7 years ago
As a race, asians lack an enzyme that processes alcohol, so they get drunk more easily. It's a biological occurrence.
Edited 7 years ago
Want me a hug now 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Probably a good thing. The empirical truth of dog breeding is that dogs get more outward genes from their mom than dad. If he looked more like a pug, then that means the mom is a pug, a very small breed, and would have to carry puppys with a size more like the father, a husky who is a large breed, and this can cause a lot of harm during pregnancy because the puppies grow too big. So its better to have a husky mom and pug dad.
It begins 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah I've heard flights within Europe right now, for a limited time, are really cheap, like only a few pounds/dollars.
Bathroom surprise. 18 comments
· 7 years ago
One time my parents hired some guys to replaster our wall and i walked up to the door and there was a sign that said "bees inside" and I was like "what?" Apparently there was a pretty substantial beehive in our wall and they had let it loose in our house. So I open up the door and see bees flying literally everywhere in sight and I freak, mostly because I'm really allergic to bees, and then run to grab my dog who is not smart and was trying to bite the bees and hid us both in my bedroom until my shift at my work came and I had never been so glad for a shift in my life.
sorry this password is in use 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I am a freshman majoring in computer science and the short but valid knowledge I have in cyber security basically proves that obscure passwords with tons of different symbols don't really help at all, in fact they can be easier to guess because these websites tell you exactly what needs to be in a password (hackers will know that every password will have a number, a capital letter, etc). Length is far more important.
Thanks mom 10 comments
· 7 years ago
It kinda makes you wonder why it became a meme in the first place :/
What princesses would do for the d*ck 10 comments
· 7 years ago
dating shang was probably really low on Mulan's list of priorities when she was fighting in a war
Me being single 1 comments