

I don't post much but when I do its an original meme...and probably dead

— cheesecrackers Report User
I really like cats okay? 7 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
I have one yeah-floof and one yeah-normal
Is also polite ofcourse 5 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Yeah ngl a lot of times when I smile at a guy they come up and talk to me. I don't mind usually, but sometimes I'd prefer to avoid that.
George Carlin would have called y'all out on this 42 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
...and assisted in many of their services. I would say that puts her in a position of credibility. Is there enough evidence to slam planned Parenthood into the ground? Idk. There isn't enough evidence for any other corrupt big business. All I'm saying is I, as a woman, would prefer to get my health services done someplace else. Thanks for raising eyebrows and helping fact check my post though :)
· Edited 5 years ago
George Carlin would have called y'all out on this 42 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
...that the CEO quotes their mission is to "provide, protect, and expand access to abortion." They're a for profit organization, enforce abortion quotas, and make hundreds of millions every year regardless of government assistance. 5) that one is from a podcast by Abby Johnson, a previous manager and pro life speaker. They do perform in clinic abortion. They advertise their abortions taking 5-10 minutes, however a safer abortion is done with an ultrasound machine and takes 10-15. 6) I'm honestly not sure about this one. Maybe they do it because it's easier to find employees? 7) so, I recognize there are some inaccuracies and I'll edit my original post to reflect the changes. I still stand by my statement that PP is a terrible company exploiting those in need. I recommend listening or reading some of the articles or quotes by Abby Johnson. I recognize she's pro life and may seem biased because of that, but she really did work at PP for many years as a manager...
· Edited 5 years ago
George Carlin would have called y'all out on this 42 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Hi, thanks for your comment! Yeah, I *may* have written what I said with some emotional fuel. To answer your questions, 1) yeah, I heard that statistic over radio and I misheard. 30 vs 13 is similar 2) this is probably the most inaccurate. Hard to find articles, but testimonies, yes. I have heard tons of testimonies online and in person about people trying to get non abortion services and not being able to or being referred away. You can find online, though, that those services make up only 4% of what they offer and most buildings are not equipped for cancer screenings, prenatal health care, or counseling. 3) They actually didn't have any mammogram equipment. I'm fairly certain none do, I googled it just now. 4) another slight inaccuracy. The exact quote is "For my clinic specifically, we were required to perform 1,135 abortions per year, so we're selling those abortions to pregnant women who are coming in." And that is from a manager not an executive. However, I would like to add....
Me irl 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Yo, aprendiendo español
George Carlin would have called y'all out on this 42 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
......and every information they need to decide what's best for them, and the safest way to achieve that. They don't take money from poor women for those services, and they actually hire medical professionals who have degrees and have taken the Hippocratic oath of acting in their best interest. Planned Parenthood employees haven't. So, whether you are pro choice or pro life, please recognize that planned Parenthood is just another corrupt big business attempting to exploit people in need. Support other women's health organizations.
5 · Edited 5 years ago
George Carlin would have called y'all out on this 42 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
No. Not at all. There are only about 600 planned Parenthoods in the USA. There are over 13,000 women's health clinics which also offer those exact services, and better. I've heard and read testimonies about women trying to go to planned Parenthood for non abortion services and failing. My mom tried to go for a mammogram once and they turned her away. There are direct quotes from PP managers saying abortion is how they make money and they try to sell it to every women who comes in. In fact, there exist safer procedures for the women and it's been documented by past employees that PP does NOT use those procedures. Why? They use the higher risk procedures *specifically* bc they are faster, to get more abortions done in a day. And that's a quote from an executive. Look, if you're pro choice, support women's health clinics that *actually* care about women's health. Who recognize that abortion is a devastating decision to make and provides *every* alternative.......
6 · Edited 5 years ago
pssh. yeah,jokes on them 19 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Still not my worst birthday haha
Times are tough 41 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Wait till u see 2019 lol
pssh. yeah,jokes on them 19 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
My parents forgot my 15th birthday and I told my friend who insisted he throw a not-so-surprise surprise party, but on the day of he forgot to invite anyone so he just brought his gf and my bday was me sitting on the couch attempting to watch Big Hero 6 while they made out for 2 hours lol
Our hero just donated 5 million Dollar to protect and preserve the Amazon 8 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
uh Jeff bezos already has enough money
This news is good news 9 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
My aunt and uncle had a cat, sweetest cat ever, and I came back recently and found out they had it declawed. I don't think they knew about all the problems it could cause. Anyway, the cat is super mean now and hisses at everyone. Real sad.
I never thought I'd be chill with Satan, but he's got my vote 9 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Me, a Catholic: *awkward seal meme*
My dream job is too work at disney and animate 8 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
You can always work for Disney for a couple months and if it doesn't work out, then your dreams change and that's ok. Or maybe it's the best job for u. Who knows?
Worth it 4 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
It could be Argentinian peso, which is about 3 dollars but that's still a lot for cheese :/
This Uber driver 7 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
"if you have anything with a strong bass, I will enjoy it too" aww :)
Only a couple more years 1 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Martes? Más como mardos.
Okay guys wtf 10 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Yes, if they were trying to write a danish story. But the original Disney little mermaid has very little to do with danish culture. At it's heart, it's a folktale, and folktales are retold in the culture of those telling it. There's a vietnamese Cinderella and Mexican sleeping beauty. Where Mulan is a cultural tale and should remain rooted in it's culture, the little mermaid can be adapted to any culture, and in this case it's adapted to America. And America has black people.
6 · Edited 5 years ago
It was worth it 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Ohh haha :D
It was worth it 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
I feel dumb but can someone explain?
Still sneaking around 3 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Thats interesting. Couples are also split at my house, but only if they're not married.
Purple cum! 74 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Blue Chocolate milk, nobody tell Percy Jackson
Life as a stylus 3 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
Hey now, tablets can be really useful nowadays
Tuition costs 6 comments
cheesecrackers · 5 years ago
If Disney world tickets are 100 bucks when this was taken, then it costs like 4k to run that printer every month