I don't post much but when I do its an original meme...and probably dead— cheesecrackers Report User
Please 6 comments
· 3 years ago
P.s. You look great today :)
Please 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Imagine what speaking kindly to your underappreciated male friend would do
oh yeah B-) 4 comments
· 3 years ago
There's also an urban legend about a guy who's foot is totally stuck in there right, he's freaking out, the dogs having a seizure, and he's still got half a pie left.
oh yeah B-) 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I, too, appreciate when my dog takes her oral medication without any fuss!!
No Factor Authentication 2 comments
· 3 years ago
In case anyone was interested, zero trust is moving from allowing everything and blocking the bad stuff ---> blocking everything and allowing the good stuff
Nah, it'll be fine 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Now, if the choices were cookies and cut up melons, tropical fruits, or berries, i would choose the fruit as I enjoy those fruits immensely more than apples&bananas
Stay safe out there 13 comments
Know yourself 33 comments
· 3 years ago
Who is this 'cakelover' and can we trust this post from them? "logical fallacies everyone should know" as if everyone needs to know how to be intolerant to another person's opinion! Is that what God would want? First we start pointing out the weaknesses in someone's argument, next thing you know free speech is kaput! Most people want to expresses their arguments however they want. Furthermore, can anyone here definitely prove that this "logical fallacies" argument isn't really a scam to get us to conform to the government? We either have freedom of speech or we're all cogs in the machine. Remember when that one guy on twitter called out the CDC for their fallacies? Now look at him. We don't have time to be "educating" everyone about their "fallacies" in the middle of a pandemic!! Best just to scroll along and mind our own business like we've always done before.
Edited 3 years ago
Imma hire this guy 4 comments
Pizza sauce is salad. Corned Beef is fish. 4 comments
Women smh 9 comments
· 3 years ago
There's the traditional 9 month subscription pause but the cancellation fee is insane
¡Party poopers! 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Have you ever heard someone with poor reading skills start a sentence all monotone and choppy and then they realize there's an exclamation point so the last word in the sentence they make awkwardly emphatic? We can avoid that, don't you see
All my janitors looked like this 2 comments
· 3 years ago
It doesn't matter as long as both do their job well, are happy with their pay and compensation, and comfortable with their bodies,, hahahaha jk no one gets all 3
Wow now that's a bad day 3 comments
Fantasy Novels not centered on war 9 comments
· 3 years ago
I read several of these titles in middle school/high school and no one I knew had read them so it's really nostalgic to see them written here and know that people have read them and new people might read them too
Like actor and actress, and like waiter and waitress 2 comments
· 3 years ago
To be fair, at least in spanish, gendered words don't really mean anything. The gender doesn't imply feminine or masculine features of the object
Especially when it from crush 2 comments
· 3 years ago
One time I told a guy he was cute at a bar and like, four months later he was like "remember me?" and I was like "no sorry" and he goes "oh, you said I was cute once" and I was like "oh yeah! its true." and he just like, was so happy and smiled and walked away
Im not sure anymore 3 comments
Don’t ask for sh*t to get done if you don’t want it done with 100% effectiveness 6 comments
· 3 years ago
For real! And leaves a scent in the plastic and you gotta wash it like ten times and bleach it even tho it's technically 'clean'. Nobody wants to drink a glass of lemonade out of a pitcher that smells like spaghetti.
Edited 3 years ago
*** Nestle 3 comments
· 3 years ago
There are many issues that make Nestle an extremely unethical company. They hook breastfeeding women in southern countries into using expensive formula, who are forced to continue using it when their milk weans. They use highly unsustainable methods for bottled water and contribute to rainforest destruction for palm oil. They break up unions and enforce unfair labor policies in other countries, including child labor. The list goes on, and if you google 'Nestle controversy' there is a more definitive explanation.
Ah, yes...The boob folder 4 comments