Iron man suit comes next 14 comments
Back on the rack 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Always assume the clothes you are buying were tried on by someone else (because they most likely have been) proving that buying stuff used is just as good
5 hours of planes taking off 5 comments
What you sayin?? 11 comments
Current affairs 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I hate when people say that the world could end because of who is president no they do not have all power there are checks and balances in place for a reason
alcohol 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I think the difference is that alcohol (tho I do not agree with it being legal) was a well established and widely accepted legal industry that most people partook in that they just took away. Drugs are not a well established legal industry most of the population do not do drugs.
Yes it would make it so they people with heroin on them wouldn’t get arrested but rather than making heroin legal if instead on a case by case basis you could be sent to a rehab facility instead of prison. If heroin is legal these people will have one less incentive to quit .
Yes it would make it so they people with heroin on them wouldn’t get arrested but rather than making heroin legal if instead on a case by case basis you could be sent to a rehab facility instead of prison. If heroin is legal these people will have one less incentive to quit .
Hell yea 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I remember playing this song nonstop after seeing gforce the guineapig movie
Workout 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Hahhahahaha lol I sure do love being an alcoholic ammiright fellow kids
That's a good trainer 13 comments
· 6 years ago
This is from a reality tv show called fit to fat to fit it's not just some random trainer
Edited 6 years ago
Turns out he was just an impasta 5 comments
Someone is lying 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I always really wanted them and once my school funfair was giving 5 of them on a braclet as a prize and all week I tried to get them but the girl in front of me got them and I never got any
It was a very sad 2007 moment
It was a very sad 2007 moment
Cow finds freedom 6 comments
A hero's story 14 comments
A hero's story 14 comments
Yesss touch it like that....Mmmmm 3 comments
(I don’t keep up with the Kardashians)