I post chill pictures, or things I find cool. :)
My name is Maddi if you'd like to know.
Why pixar, just why? 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm a girl, and I also know Max Brace personally, he's worked at Pixar's for 20 years and is helping me with animation and college readiness. He's a family friend. It's also fucking sickening that you would bash people for being misinformed, because some people didn't know the movie was coming, so I'm sorry that you're so salty towards everything. Plus, if I were bullshitting you, it'd be a little more obvious.
Why pixar, just why? 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Lol, I cannot however, give out his email or information due to security issues, but I just wanted people to know that The Incredibles will be coming back, and Finding Dory is done :D
Why pixar, just why? 20 comments
· 9 years ago
lmao XD, they actually were the head storyboard artist for Finding Dory, which comes out this summer, and they worked on toy story 2, Wall-e, and a few other movies.
Why pixar, just why? 20 comments
· 9 years ago
//Not trying to spoil anything but I talk with a head storyboard artist at Pixar, and the incredibles will be coming back but shhhhh
look at the little guy's face 17 comments
I am curious about this 58 comments
· 9 years ago
When he took off the mask I thought it was gonna be some huge reveal, like he was gonna be attractive or something, and all I got was disappointment.
The facts 86 comments
· 9 years ago
No, I know that other genders aren't "natural" or "common" I'm just saying that they exist, and they are valid for the people who identify as them.
The facts 86 comments
· 9 years ago
Yep, because I know myself it's abnormal. I can understand that view :)
The facts 86 comments
· 9 years ago
I have come to ignore it, if someone wants to be, "Part flower spirit" then let them. I don't really mind if they're trying to troll because I let them do what they do and don't interact with them.
The facts 86 comments
· 9 years ago
Some things, like otherkin are a little ridiculous, but tbh people can believe what they want. So much as they don't harass others over it.
these f*ckin people 32 comments
· 9 years ago
*wears band shirts and likes blink182;doesn't complain about how everyone else should like it because that's dumb*
The facts 86 comments
· 9 years ago
I, personally, am genderfluid, and don't mind that some people don't think it's real. But, when it's blatantly hated and made fun of, or is "disproved" without the right resources, it kind of gets on my nerves. If you don't understand something, don't post things like this until you've done research. I respect your opinion, but only if you have a legitimate reason to have it.
The facts 86 comments
· 9 years ago
There's actually a lot of religions that have up to 6 different "genders" because they believe you cannot be strictly what your genitals are. Plus, Biscuit0883 just gave a very reliable source that says "sex" is your genitals, and "gender" is masculine or feminine, which would explain why some men can be feminine, and some women can be masculine, and all of the different things in between. Say your gender (Masculinity/Femininity) was put on a number line, 1-10. 1, being super masculine, 10, being super feminine. There are tons of other things in between those two that can be felt, therefor the creation of tumblr's different genders.
Just go away 8 comments
When he's gone, everyone will miss him, just wait and see 39 comments
· 9 years ago
It's supposed to be great, but it's a bit more trouble than it's worth right now. :(
When he's gone, everyone will miss him, just wait and see 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Hey, I'm not trying to make anyone agree with me, just stating my beliefs, you have yours :)
When he's gone, everyone will miss him, just wait and see 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Idk, personally I like Obama, but that's because he's really trying hard to change the country, I know not many people can see that, and he's blamed for everything that goes wrong, but he's lowered gas prices, gotten us out of wars, and got Obamacare implemented. He also took care of Osama, in my views, that's a lot of shit that he doesn't get enough credit for. But Idk, that's just me, what do I know.
What almost 8 years of being a president looks like 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Dude, If I knew as many secrets as he did, I'd probably look like that too. Especially with the knowledge that you can't change anything, and you're blamed for everything. ;^;
I want to be the kind of couple to wear these :) 5 comments
· 9 years ago
..What I mean is I want to be the kind of couple who wears these together. I'm not saying that the picture is of a couple.
Probably Why I'm Single 15 comments