What the hell happened to FunSubstance? 34 comments
· 3 years ago
How do you suggest I fix broken title bars?
Thank you cavemen for eating all the poisonous berries for us! 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh they didn't do it for the recognition. They did it cause they were hungry as fu
This cut on the hand - bloodless and clean through the epidermis 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Pretty sure I remember hearing that this was from obsidian, which when broken is so sharp that the edge tip is molecular in size
A perfectly symmetrical Aloe Plant 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Symmetry would suggest a mirror image of some kind, whereas a fractal would be a repeating pattern increasing in size, which is closer to what this is. Anyway, gotta go, I'm due back at the hair splitter's convention.
RUN! 3 comments
· 4 years ago
I Imagine it started with something like "Hey guys... big gulps huh? Welp, see ya later"
Sounds kind of awesome 17 comments
· 4 years ago
Top speed of a garden snail = 0.047 km/h
Distance from Vancouver, BC to St John's, NL = ~7000 km
Use 10M to buy a beautiful property in Vancouver, live there until the snail is close. Sell property and move to St John's. Snail will take ~17 years to travel that far. Repeat until dead.
Distance from Vancouver, BC to St John's, NL = ~7000 km
Use 10M to buy a beautiful property in Vancouver, live there until the snail is close. Sell property and move to St John's. Snail will take ~17 years to travel that far. Repeat until dead.
Flying home for Christmas 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Pretty sure the Uber app now raises the price based on the risk of the pickup zone. I got a ride home from the hospital after an appointment and it was twice the price of my dropoff. Solution: walk for 10 or 15 minutes away from the airport/hospital and try again.
Edited 4 years ago
Flying home for Christmas 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Pretty sure the Uber app now raises the price based on the risk of the pickup zone. I got a ride home from the hospital (regular procedure appointment, nothing covid related) and it was twice the price of my dropoff. Solution: walk for 10 or 15 minutes away from the airport/hospital and try again.
A reminder 10 comments
· 4 years ago
And sometimes, a delayed game is amazing, but then, months after release, enforces kernel level anti-cheating software that leaves the machine open to massive security vulnerabilities and performance drops.
Kitty, nooo! 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I experienced something similar with my two dogs. After the older one passed away, the younger one would sit outside, scanning the area with absolute determination, hoping to see him walking back home from around the bend or down the street. She eventually stopped after long enough. Makes me wonder what animals think happened to their buddies after they die.
Fonts matter 3 comments
· 4 years ago
It's funny. Sometimes, when you want something, and then finally get it, it's a disappointment and you realize wanting it was a waste of time. You should've been appreciative of what you already had. Case in point: moving from an okay apartment to a shitty apartment that you thought would be a better apartment.
Look at these bros supporting Brendan! We all should support Brendan, he deserves it 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I miss B Fras. He was hilarious (Bedazzled, Blast from the Past, Airheads), the Mummy movies were made at the exact time that appealed to me as a kid, he's an awesome dude. Wish he didn't disappear.