
I'm the turd you think is a candy bar.

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Clamp the police? 9 comments
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
To be fair, the guy was only making it worse for himself. Just be calm, do what the officer says, be polite, don't yell, don't swear, and answer them honestly.
This is a rare Blue Parrotfish 10 comments
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
It's probably not all that rare, just very blue so they blend in real good
Lan party 10 years ago 2 comments
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
I thought it was still 2010
Lets show support for those who respect and care about us as consumers 5 comments
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
I always buy my games and music. Those artists need support and I'm happy to give it to them. Movies and TV shows, I'm OK with pirating. Hollywood doesn't need my 30 bucks to buy a Blu Ray or a box set.
The lonly brown panda 9 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Maybe so, but they're still susceptible to genetic mutation, like this brown panda is an example of. And genetic mutation is the key to evolution.
Boba Fett without a helmet during the filming of Return of the Jedi 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Wow, I never expected him to look like the guy who's not allowed within 100 yards of a school.
What are the chances that they're also gers? 20 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Yeah for China and India
Did that actually happen ? 40 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I wonder how many soldiers through the many wars sat like that against piles of their dead friends. You're cleaning up 1st world trash. It sucks when people do this but hey, most people suck. You're earning money, just do the job, we all have to.
For Shikharizard: My Pretty Girl 11 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
What a pretty pup. Reminds me of my first dog, she was a lovely black lab.
The lonly brown panda 9 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Genetic mutation is the key to evolution.
No obligations here 11 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I worked in fast food in high school, and that job was so boring and easy that I actually liked it when people left their stuff on their tables. It gave me something to do.
Endurable soggy abstracted Locust 15 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Yep, I still do the exact same thing
#vaccinateyourkids 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
He could probably just go now, if I was administering the vaccine I'd just do it, 18 or not.
F R E E 420 15 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
You better deliver Nate, I'm running low.
Bobby Fischer playing 50 opponents simultaneously, 1964. He won 47 of the matches, drew 2 7 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Nobody ever talks about the one guy who beat him.
Odd reasoning but OK 14 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
It's not live action, it's CGI. That's exactly not live action.
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Man's got vision 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Probably hire a financial consultant. Seems smart.
Won't somebody please think of the chicken? 11 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Why didn't he ride his bike there?
Just had a heart attack seeing this. Don't keep your wigs near children 5 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I don't own any wigs or children
Onix is also very menacing in 4k 7 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Is this from the movie?
It do be like that sometimes 6 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Yeah but he's not doing all the work behind the scenes. His parents and managers are. That's like saying Shia made $1.5 billion for making Dark of the Moon.
Patch 2 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
How could he see me?
Thor 2 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
How is Pinkman's face so beefy?
Ever wonder how powerful Hurricane winds are? (Hurricane Michael) 5 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
So paper beats paper now?