

— choupachoups Report User
Listen to your kids 63 comments
choupachoups · 8 years ago
I also think it's very dangerous when people mock people who talk about their mental health issues as "wanting attention". In some cases, yeah, some people will just do it for attention. But then in some other cases people actually have a problem, and them casually pointing out their mental health in conversations is the only way they can manage to talk about it. It's important to take claims of mental problems very seriously, wherever they come from.
Wait till you adult 20 comments
choupachoups · 8 years ago
The difference between your job and school is that in most cases you will have a job working in something you are passionate about while at school you have to work on all sorts of things. School might be easier than working but it's also more boring.
Pffft I'm 93 and did 52 5 comments
choupachoups · 8 years ago
Well I'm 94 and I did 53.
This is plain wrong 6 comments
choupachoups · 8 years ago
This is plain plastic birds.
Colorful and beautiful creature 20 comments
choupachoups · 8 years ago
I saved one as a baby and he's now our family pet ! :)
How long did it take you? 65 comments
choupachoups · 8 years ago
OR you can move a match to make the 6 into a 0
Just Pick Yourself Up 18 comments
choupachoups · 9 years ago
I will correct you because you are wrong. That is not a pomegranate.
It probably is a gift from god 12 comments
choupachoups · 9 years ago
Maybe that's because, unlike the rest of us, he actually gets sleep.
His face tho 15 comments
choupachoups · 9 years ago
My dad is pilot, and so they often put him next to celebrities in planes, especially if they've done something stupid before, just so my dad can keep an eye on them.
cool google things 11 comments
choupachoups · 9 years ago
Search up "do a barrel roll" and "askew". Hehehe :)
This is our society. 62 comments
choupachoups · 9 years ago
Also, if your argument is that guys are aroused by breasts, I have to point out that many girls are pretty much aroused by muscles and abs, but we don't have to cover them up.
By the end of which they become Draco 4 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
He'll just be a little Draco basically.
Australian road safety 18 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
South Australians assemble !
Australian road safety 18 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
I live there too ! Wow ! Where? (sorry if i creep you out)
Not only will it keep them away, it'll also make them feel inferior 13 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
And the learn self-defense part of the top comment is just out of place. I shouldn't have to learn how to fight men back while they can't hold their 'sexual urges' in.
School 3 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
To make a french flag !
As a male I can confirm 20 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
You guys do know that girls mostly say that when they do like the guy, but they just don't want him to find out. It'll mostly turn out like: ewww no, if course not, what us *blushes a lot*. I'd take it as a compliment :)
So this is what heaven looks like. 38 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
My introvert self just thought: Dammit, I won't have the courage to ask for pizza, and I wont be able to have a conversation !
People be like "I can't lose weight no matter what I 11 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Mrscollector, that comment actually brought tears to my eyes, I am skinny, and you are the first big person, or any type of person who is not skinny, who has not criticized my body and said that it made me ugly. I am so happy for you that you are happy, and so happy that someone has finally said it, if you are happy and not harming your health, that's great.
Thanks so much, you made my day.
1 · Edited 10 years ago
Plot twist 10 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Well, considering that most of the people on here spend their time staring at their screen and not going out (of course this includes me), I would recommend an imaginary one, it demands less work to look after.
18 · Edited 10 years ago
Aahaa!! ( also happy new year :p ) 3 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Except we don't fart, we do little pink clouds of happiness.
Getting on my nerves 3 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
It can go duck itself.
I feel offended on so many levels 7 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Surfing the waves all day and surfing the web all night. It works pretty well for me :)
Just Pick Yourself Up 18 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Very true ! You've made a good point indeed there.
Who is with me?! 25 comments
choupachoups · 10 years ago
Well we'd hope that you're not a single cell anymore.