"Hey, don't you have to study for your exams?" Me: 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Greece, but it's a general idea
Bill Nye on the story behind his bow tie 10 comments
· 9 years ago
thank you so much!! I had no idea it was as simple as googling "undertaker", my brain is too sleepy to work
How to get people into your bar 7 comments
I need this for my phone, because of reasons 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Found them here but maybe you can them cheaper on ebay or Amazon
Found them here but maybe you can them cheaper on ebay or Amazon
Not coming out anytime soon 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Consider yourself lucky she is in the actual tent you bought and not the box it came in.
Especially in Hungary. What about you guys? 88 comments
Best idea ever candidate? 13 comments
Not recommended for those with nut allergies. 15 comments
Someone is finally taking a stand against swag 25 comments
Someone is finally taking a stand against swag 25 comments
Don't give up on real love 12 comments
Been laughing way too long because of this 11 comments
· 10 years ago
metalman, I wasn't replying to you and I didn't dislike your comment. I was just saying that what she is famous (what you said) are things that are not great and should not get her fame, fans and money.
Your comment was simply the motivation for my comment.
Your comment was simply the motivation for my comment.
They'll never find me here 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Omg look at her tiny tiny feet aaaaa she's so small, I'm having cuteness crisis
Been laughing way too long because of this 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Her acting is not that great, there are many people who are much better actors than her.
Her singing is just an annoying, way-too-high noise and I'm sure the music industry could do without her.
Her 12-year-old looks are not that great and I honestly don't see the reason anyone should be praised for something so useless and out of their control. There are people out there with x100 her "talent" that are not as "hot" as she is considered to be. Does that mean she is better just because of her looks?
Her singing is just an annoying, way-too-high noise and I'm sure the music industry could do without her.
Her 12-year-old looks are not that great and I honestly don't see the reason anyone should be praised for something so useless and out of their control. There are people out there with x100 her "talent" that are not as "hot" as she is considered to be. Does that mean she is better just because of her looks?
· 10 years ago
This always was me, until ten years old. I've never had a party since then and I never go to other people's. Parties are not that fun anyway.
Light up pool chairs 4 comments
cute Simpsons moments 9 comments
I miss this show... good ol' days 17 comments
The most frustrating gif 4 comments