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Sharpening a $1 knife 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Knife sharpening is such a cathartic activity
Grappler police bumper 19 comments
· 8 years ago
That's exactly what I thought. Even hitting a foot or two of black ice in the winter with one wheel at 15 mph makes my butthole retract into my stomach. And I'm not even under the stress of being arrested. Now a high speed chase weaving around things and then suddenly your back wheel locks up is gonna lead to some very nice panic.
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
Then run away. Or something. There's always another solution and if you can't see that then you're being stubborn.
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
I feel like you misinterpreted my intentions but since you feel good I'm not gonna get in your way.
Wanna drink some black water? 39 comments
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
· 8 years ago
You can't ignore getting beat and going to a show of someone else's power does nothing for you.
Grappler police bumper 19 comments
· 8 years ago
My SUV doesn't like traction for some reason and it's always a bit unnerving when I start sliding.
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Because that's not what the quote says. Being all philosophical and shit, if you want to spread the message of pacificity then word it a different way.
Obviously it's not how things [do] work, but it's how things [should] work. Vengeance is always the best policy. Then nobody would mess with anyone. Don't fight back? That's how we get bullies.
Obviously it's not how things [do] work, but it's how things [should] work. Vengeance is always the best policy. Then nobody would mess with anyone. Don't fight back? That's how we get bullies.
Grappler police bumper 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Maybe it's just me, but I think a skidding tire would result in a retardedly high loss of traction.
Lord help me 23 comments
· 8 years ago
See example 112, second from the bottom of the page
See example 112, second from the bottom of the page
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
I kinda feel like the mother's grief would be more of a knee-jerk reaction of sadness than grief that her daughter died. Kinda hard to word-ify my thought.
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
· 8 years ago
An eye for an eye is deescalating. You get punched, you punch back, shake hands, and everyone goes their own way. It pisses me the fuck off how everyone misinterprets this quote. It's not we keep bashing each other and trying to one-up the hits and then eventually we start throwing mininukes at each other. An eye for an eye means that everyone stops when the aggressor stops, not that the victim continues. An eye for an eye means that everyone is equally beat up in the end. An eye for an eye is the best way to resolve any conflict.
When applying Rogaine, make sure you wear gloves 12 comments
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
well would you lookit that, a perfect comment from the reddit
well would you lookit that, a perfect comment from the reddit
Amy schumer 20 comments
Listen to your kids 63 comments
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
So I have an alcohol slip that basically says how many drinks I can have before I die (or get effects of xyz abc). And it's 14 drinks in less than an hour to die.
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
The reason I say this is that lying is, for people like this, the ultimate insult. They're obviously done with the world and its shit and here you come along with honeyed words making them feel special when they know they're not. So instead of making them feel special (implying desirability), make them feel not left out. Not necessarily included, but not alone or an outcast because nothing you feel hasn't been felt by a whole bunch of others.
EDIT: holy hell my grammur needs work
Edited 8 years ago
EDIT: holy hell my grammur needs work
Listen to your kids 63 comments
· 8 years ago
You're absolute trash and completely worthless like the rest of us. So don't worry about your depression, join the rest of the world in being completely not special.
Edited 8 years ago