

"One of God's own prototypes. Some sort of high-powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, too rare to die."
Cloudgatherer Report User
It's difficult, tricky, but you can do it 17 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
What would we ever do without such a letter. My head twirls with thought; pray, tell of such better.
It's difficult, tricky, but you can do it 17 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
It might be an unique event; but a certainty within the universe.
It's difficult, tricky, but you can do it 17 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
What would a scholar do in this situation? That's a confusing, profound and thorough conundrum.
Inequality Santa 8 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
This is why I think larger/more expensive gifts should be addressed from parents, not Santa. It creates a pretty shitty dynamic for underpriveledged families otherwise. Kind'f a terrible feeling going to school and all of your peers are like: "Santa got me a PS5!" or "I got a Go-Cart from Santa!"..
Meanwhile the kid with the poor/struggling family: "Santa got me socks.." =(
5 · Edited 3 years ago
Based 3 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
"English only at the table... I'm sure you're just talking about perogies and snow and shit, but let's cut it out, all right?"
Bonus points if anyone knows the reference.
I’m a bit into science myself 10 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
^Round of applause for our resident panel of Phallusophers. xD
Lady Krampus! 13 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Are they being punished, though? Why's the dood in the basket look so delighted? And.. w-what exactly do you plan on doing with that feather duster, ma'am?
My little baby Penny went to heaven today. I love her more than I could ever tell her 12 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Well that is terrible to hear, my condolences. Although that means nothing in the way of comfort to a grieving person that just lost a loved one, just remember, as long as you provided her with a good life, then you have no reason to feel bad. Your pupper had a good, full life, furnished with much love and care. -R.I.P. Penny
Tactical Cat 9 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
I was more curious what exactly was functioning as the trigger.. =X
I want the kind of woman who 9 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
...happened before that. It happened when I told myself I wasn't going to apologize any more. Not that I wouldn't say I'm sorry for the dickish things I might do, but I stopped saying I'm sorry for the things she wanted me to feel bad about. I think I may have digressed, though. This will be the closest thing to consoling I will ever venture into. Funny enough, I can vent to the faceless strangers of FS moreso than I would ever reveal such a weakness to any of my loved ones.
I want the kind of woman who 9 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
O_O.. As someone who was in a longterm relationship with an abusive woman, this hits a little different. As far as sexuality goes, I was definitely the dominant one. I mean, not judging; but, I'm not into getting whipped or pegged or ridden around like my-little-brony. The abuse she put me through was mental, emotional and, at times physical; but never sexual. It has very much broken me as far as being able to initiate and maintain a healthy new relationship. I put it as she ruined me for other females. I'm 100% human, and have plenty of faults, of which I will never try to hide or to sugar-coat, but the boundless devotion and caring I showed for this woman, I don't ever think I could give to anyone else, ever again. I played no games and pulled no punches when I let her into the most unreachable depths of my vulnerabilities, and she used that power to manipulate me into what she wanted. Although it took a LONG time to shake her from my mind after we split, the turning point...
Ouch 12 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Ouch 12 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
While I'm tempted to choose 'The Mask' mask, because it comes with all manner of insane powers, I would have to choose the Dr. Dooms mask (the one above the 'V for Vendetta' mask). Doom is so criminally slept on it's ridiculous. In his 'God Emperor Doom' state he literally mortal-kombats Thanos to dust with a single grasp.
Nice 10 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
There's just too many people on the Earth to think some hilariously inappropriate random tags would be generated more frequently. '1TZ4M3' might be random for me or you, but for an Italian plumber dood named Mario, might be a little close to home.
Nice 10 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Has anyone else ever actually thought about that, on a cereal level? I kind'f always theorized there was some sort of methodology behind "randomly" generated plates.. Too much thought, probably. It's 'random', but only in some obscure, scripted way. At least, in my state; and, it usually depends on the specialty plates. FSU tags generally begin with a W, very often being WR(XXXX). FAMU tags generally begin with Y.. I have noticed others, but my memory is failing me atm. That's a lot of drugs and drink ago.. I do f'rsure know that the vast majority of 'Fish Florida' tags begin with J. Those are also usually attached to a big truck and a little dick.
"Something went wrong: Title is too short." Sheesh, I just wanted to pay 3 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
The fact this thing has the Morgan Freeman freckles, has damaged me.
Waterfall a bit away from where I live 15 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Depends on what that rocks DPS is. :D
Waterfall a bit away from where I live 15 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
If you don't find at least some Legendary loot behind it, Im'a be upset.
Wojtek is tired of the puns; It's un-bear-able 1 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Voytek the Soldier Bear is a vague reference, but I get you, brother. He's a very underrated war hero, quite like Sgt. Stubby. Supposibly would carry supply crates up and down the battlefield, without ever dropping a one. Imagine how disheartening it would be to look down the line and see that even the goddamn bears were fighting against you.
Someone's open-mouth chewing, and I must scream 14 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Being disgusted by someone with rude table manners, in itself isn't abnormal. As someone with severe Misophonia I can assure you the reaction is not nearly as mild as disgust. For me the noise draws immediate fight or flight. I'll tolerate it for about 10 seconds before I either tell you to close your goddamn jowls when you chew, or I will have to get away from the noise. To the point where I can honestly say that in a situation where the smacking was inescapable or unstoppable, I will, for a certainty, kill you, if I'm able.
Chickenshit - cowardly. Bearshit - location based and obvious 12 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Dipshit: Lacking intelligence
What kind of snake is this 27 comments
cloudgatherer · 3 years ago
Have to get a better look, and honestly know where you found it (state/province/etc). Kind'f looks like a Moccasin at a quick glance. They're endemic to the southeastern U.S., have fairly girthy bodies with a similar solid dark color. Broad, triangular heads, and heat 'pits' on their faces like most vipers. The insides of their mouths are snow-white, which is why we also refer to them as "cottonmouths" down here. It's also easy to misidentify because there are similar looking snakes in its habitat. If the inside of its mouth is white, it is indeed a dangerous breed. It can also most certainly escape that bucket, btw.
*filthyfrankvoice* "who's ****ing hungry" 2 comments
cloudgatherer · 4 years ago
Fuck me. Where I'm from they're called Meat-Log Subs, friend. -Florida
The dyslexie font 10 comments
cloudgatherer · 5 years ago
*becomes dsyelix from reading*
Something I never thought of... 18 comments
cloudgatherer · 7 years ago
What about all the exercise equipment infomercials? So, Chuck Norris was just being a dick about it?