Oh you got food! 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I always called it a sphorf... Spoon, PHork, kniFe
Never Give Your I pod to a 6 year old 11 comments
· 10 years ago
3 days ago I decided to watch every Sherlock holmes episode on Netflix. I finished this morning. I am overly pissed on how episode 3 of season 3 ended and I want to punch Benedict in the face....
I guess some peoples names are more "exotic" than mine 46 comments
· 10 years ago
BUT IF IT WAS MY LAST NAME! If be even more rich. It's french and cannot be pronounced or spelled.
I guess some peoples names are more "exotic" than mine 46 comments
· 10 years ago
You think you have problems??? My name is NOWHERE and it's not even like an exotic name or anything... 1 letter ruins every chance of finding something with my name on in.. My name? Madisson... 2 s's
Farengeighight 5 comments
· 10 years ago
15 C isn't that bad to be honest. I live in Alberta and at least 15 C is better than -47 C
Such an idiot. 8 comments
Googled "Most Canadian Picture Ever" So much win! 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I am crying because oilers are like one of the most noticeable things on there and then in the top there's a barely visible Calgary jersey!
Guess which one is named Eminem? 15 comments
You won't regret watching this... 26 comments
Not all animated movies are for kids 28 comments
Not all animated movies are for kids 28 comments
· 10 years ago
I watched felidae. Thankyou for showing me this. The movie has made me think. It brought something to me I cannot describe although I wish I could.
why won't you hang out with Tobias, instead? 8 comments
Sorry, just felt like it had to be said. 159 comments
· 10 years ago
First off, some of those are from the 90s. Second, where the fuck is lord if the rings
Anyone wanna join me? 72 comments
Winter storm in Texas 30 comments
Annoying walmart b*tch 21 comments
· 11 years ago
I was on a carnival cruise and you can rent a rascal to use on the ship and an old lady who couldn't walk rented one and let her 16 year old daughter rent one too... Her daughter hit me 4 times! I wanted to punch her in the face! She didn't even say sorry or anything while I'm lying on the ground with a broken leg she just kept going and kept laughing! I hate rascals