
Greatest comeback 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
you hear that if you type enough words you don't bother with logic? oh my god, it must be true then. obviously. you are mistaken, as i did not fill my message with unnecessary swearing. actually i went straight to the point. and if you start using the length of my messages as an insult, then it is truly a sign that you have absolutely no decent comeback or counter argument
Greatest comeback 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
i merely stated after one of your numerous repetitive and completely unnecessary comments that if funsubstance is no longer 'fun' for you, and all that everyone else does when they try to share their humour is to 'suck the life of out' this place, then perhaps you should consider a new website, maybe one a little more entertaining for you. that after all would be the more sensible option
Greatest comeback 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
as i mentioned previously, yes, you do things other than complain. you post mlp pictures. and then you complain that nothing's 'funny' anymore, because it isn't always based around your preferences. just because i am a guest then do not assume i have only just stumbled upon this website yesterday. i have been on here more than a year, so grow up and stop thinking you're superior because you have an account. as it happens, i do not think life gives out trophies just for participating and where you got this idea is beyond me at this point. and i do not frankly care. and finally, i am aware that i was complaining about you complaining, but that doesnt mean i do not have the right to complain. i do not reply to every single one of your messages complaining at your complaining because that would be hypocrisy.
Greatest comeback 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
it's so cute when you use newbie as an insult because you have no imagination. and you know what's even cuter? when you complain that funsubstance isn't fun anymore and yet you still go on it just to complain. and what's more, you don't even post any funny pics, just the same old mlp ones. get off your fucking throne and accept the fact that different people have different senses of humour and not everyone finds mlp as hilarious and fascinating as you do