Flute 41 comments
· 9 years ago
I tenth this as a professional clarinet player
The most important places in each American state 46 comments
so awful... why would you say that to a person 14 comments
Eating the dry skin on your lips 28 comments
Day 273 of your daily dose of cute: Weeeee! 4 comments
· 9 years ago
am i the only ome who couldnt stop looking at the pillow because i dont think its for kittens, but the other kind of cat
He ain't OLAFing now! I'm so funny 13 comments
Lisa Frank. Aaah, the memories. 23 comments
very true 32 comments
This is the type of guy you read about in math problems 16 comments
· 10 years ago
instead of please use one word to describe the texture of their magical fur
please use one pineapple to decribe the level of insanity
please use one pineapple to decribe the level of insanity
This chameleon is actually two painted women 8 comments
The best companion in the kitchen 4 comments
My stomach growls in 7 languages. Ciao ~ 5 comments
· 10 years ago
ya feed i, vanfart das essen
That was my stomach talking to me. He is German, as he eats German foods and he is learning english.
That was my stomach talking to me. He is German, as he eats German foods and he is learning english.
A thread through a needle's eye, zoomed in a lot 10 comments
Japan in one picture 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Ive got one*clear throat*
Japan, a country
with ramen and big buildings
you fucked up japan
Japan, a country
with ramen and big buildings
you fucked up japan
I'll Never Trust Make Up Again 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Dont know which one i like better, the hideous one on the right, or the fabulous one on the left.
You're a lizard Harry 4 comments
Just a Quick Reminder 33 comments
Day 91 of your daily dose of cute:Still taking submissions/suggestionso for the 100th post 11 comments
Those with social anxiety will understand 5 comments
· 10 years ago
i dont even eat in the lunchroom anymore..... the math teacher ha accepted me as his " lunch student"
Like and Share this miracle remedy!!! 19 comments