
Dem feels 26 comments
guest · 9 years ago
guest? = donkey+pit
Jobs 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I work as a very small shop supervisor. So many of our citizens aren't really interested in working while those immigrants are thankful for the job. That isn't to draw generalities, but... What bothers me is not the immigrants taking our jobs in this country, it's our jobs being shipped to other countries.
I want to slap that girl 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Agreed!! She should be sentenced to the same as that man received. She should have to be registered as a sex offender afterwards. She should have to have her life in jeopardy while locked up and afterward because she is labeled a "sex offender". She and all others like her who do this should be subject to the same penalties that were inflicted upon the innocent victim of her crime. It's all women's equality, right? More, maybe people will be a bit more honest if there is a downside to throwing out false statements.
You should know the artist just by the style of his painting 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I would sit there for the entire episode in an awe filled stupor.
This picture inspires me 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What a sad picture! Life is also full of great loving people, hurting people, people who have triumphed and failed, have been afraid and brave, courageous, clever and completely missed the obvious. Life is full of all sorts of things, and building a wall about one's heart and soul to avoid the creeps in the world also removes us from the shy person who has no idea how to say how much they admire you. Life is full of all sorts, open yourself a bit and take the good, the great, and ... well, sometimes you also get the not so great.
He's Finally Feeling Better 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Same problem. Money tight. I found a mattress topper foam pad, folded into fourths. Dog loves it. I just put her blanket over the pad. I then just leave it outside in the sun now and again to air it out.
Oh...WOW! 31 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That's the problem! These people breed like rabbits!
To all my east coast friends 2 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I live in Michigan, and I agree completely. I can't understand people who have lived here all their adult lives yet cannot handle winter driving conditions. Or more, those who try to drive a Camaro on snowy roads! Reality can only be ignored so long, ya know?
"Tattoos will look stupid when you're older..." 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Something tells me this guy probably doesn't really care what anyone thinks about his tats. They are his, they are his expression and what he finds important, and being judged by a bunch of strangers who know nothing more than that he has tattoos and smokes.. oh, and wears odd pants.. is likely quite Unimportant in his view. imho.
b*tch of the year 49 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Exactly. That was mean, hurtful and classless.
You gotta snap outta your fantasies 60 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I worked with a guy who was seeing and hearing things he told me that he rationally knew couldn't be there. I tried to be as supportive as I could while he described what he heard and saw, his hands shaking and voice trembling, and that he was going for help. I congratulated him on his bravery and willingness to face his fears and problems head on, told him I would be there for him at any time and we exchanged phone numbers. All the while, idiot that I am and being a sci-fi fan, I couldn't help but to silently wonder if he was seeing the reality and I the fiction. I gotta stop reading that stuff!
He has a serious problem 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If you notice, this is "sensitive" dog shampoo. And, it turns the dog pink so others will see that the dog is sensitive as well. Brilliant!
What is going on with people these days? 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Remember when the "news" was something you needed to know? Ok, perhaps knowing that there some who enjoy cuddling with mountain lions is interesting, maybe we could hear about the socio-political-environmental-fiscal-need-to-know stuff? "News" shouldn't be taking a poll about a really dumb ass question. What do you think?
Use nail polish to clean shoe 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
yes, it is an acetone solution, and we who work in the plastic industry use it to clean the build-up off the molds. It has great properties... it dissolves the plastic. Now, for those of you paying attention, the "rubber" in your shoes is a TPE - a thermal plastic elastomer. The nylon and polypropylene mesh in your uppers are also plastics. The acetone will clean them up great... and then your shoes will disintegrate in a very short amount of time.
Use the Mr. Clean eraser, or baking soda. Or, buy new shoes... either way, don't believe what people put on the internet without checking it out first. Good luck.
;-; i cry 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I've gone through hard times in my life. Some of which I just wanted to end it all. Then, I got a dog... and when those thoughts came I would consider "who will care for my dog"? Silly as that is, now aware of being needed has helped me through those. And yet, as I look back, I realize that as horrible as those moments were at the time, they ended. It's still just me and the dog, but she loves me and needs me. The feeling is mutual.
I wish I could help some who hurt so bad as to give it all away that there is someone, some being, who needs "you" to be there for them. Never give up on them. Hugs.
- dang, I wanted to laugh too.
In switzerland 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
President Clinton didn't realize my friend was taking a selfie with him 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ladies! Very attractive, very beautiful, you plump them up, bare half of them for all to see, then get mad when we look! Me thinks thou protesteth too much! Cut us a bit of slack... we are supposed to like what they look like!
A strong bond between brothers 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That is either the most hilarious or tragic comment I've ever read. To you, my good person, I stand in awe.
This girl takes revenge on her boyfriend by pepper spraying his toilet paper 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
um.... isn't that considered an assault?
In America, we make freedom angels! 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I love gardening. It's enjoyable to see the plants grow, and I like the fresh produce. Further, I see it as freeing me from being quite so reliant on the stores. Don't roll in the fertilizer, though. Hmmm... guess I just don't like gardening like you like guns, eh?
One Direction's talent 53 comments
guest · 10 years ago
uhmmm... not a great fan of One Direction, but is it possible he's using a wireless connection? They do exist, same as wireless mic's. Just a thought...