This happened once... 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Also, how do you know they're fat/overweight? What if a girl is perfectly healthy and wears a size medium but her boyfriend is just an asshole and constantly tells her she's obese and needs to lose weight? That's not being a concerned for someone's weight, that's being an asshole abusive boyfriend. Hell, I was friends with a girl a couple of years ago who was super tall and wore a size small and her boyfriend still constantly told her she was fat so much that she ended up being anorexic because of it and had to be hospitalized. The point is, it's not someone else's business to tell you what to do with your weight. Yes, being overweight is not healthy, but you don't have to be an asshole about it.
any last wish? 3 comments
Mark Ruffalo's a winner all around 8 comments
Grandmother's Censorship 21 comments
Audio orb will give you 360 degrees of bass 45 comments
Master of disguise 9 comments
· 9 years ago
The girl on the right is topless and the girl beside her is holding her boob... O.O
p*rnstars 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Can we talk about the fact that everyone always criticizes the girl in porn (saying she must have daddy issues, or STDs, or she's a whore) but no one ever criticizes the guy in the porn video who is just as much involved as the girl....?
Drake is a good role model 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't understand why everyone makes fun of Drake. For what- not calling women bitches and hos in all his music?
Oh my sweet baby jesus 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to give these children dildos just so they can take this picture? And what kind of parent would be okay with someone giving their child a dildo just to take a picture?
Equality 45 comments
· 9 years ago
Is anyone else getting tired of these posts about gender inequality? I understand it's a current hot topic, but damn, I feel like every single day there's a new post about how feminism/feminists are "stupid", etc., etc. Seriously, every time I think I'm having a good time on FS, a gender despute pops up and it makes me sad. Can we just not?
(I know I'll probably get down-voted for this, but what the hell, I've got nothing to lose..)
(I know I'll probably get down-voted for this, but what the hell, I've got nothing to lose..)
Equality 45 comments
· 9 years ago
Why did you add "physically"? What does someone's physical appearance have to do with gender equality?
That would hiss me off 5 comments
So that’s not how sex ed works then? 8 comments
Same for being proud of being white, black, etc 19 comments
· 9 years ago
But that's imply that gay people actually have equality; a lot of them don't. That's why gay people have pride parades- to support one another and show pride in a quality that still has a lot of criticism surrounding it. No one gets criticized for being straight- straight people have all of their rights already given to them, therefore, there's really no need for straight pride parades. Same with black history month- it's here to celebrate the overcoming of racial inequality and support the African-American community. When you're white, there never really is any racial discrimination surrounding you; you never had to overcome being oppressed the way black people have, therefore, a white history month isn't really necessary.
Double standards 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Women aren't the only ones who get alimony. I've known a couple of men who have received alimony from their former wives after divorce. But yes, I do agree that alimony laws should be reformed. Personally, the entire concept of alimony has just seemed stupid to me. Giving child support for whichever parent receives the child seems pretty reasonable, but alimony? Doesn't make sense to me.
Well shit *c*cks gun* 6 comments
Brilliant Parenting 8 comments
Preach it, Sister! 26 comments
· 10 years ago
So skinny is the only thing that can be pretty? I don't think feminism is trying to tell girls they can't be pretty, feminism is saying that ALL girls are pretty, regardless of their weight. And the fact that this girl thinks skinny is the only thing that can ever be pretty is the exact reason we need feminism.
Just an insight on the equality debate 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Also, what's with all the guys on FS posting things about how "inferior" women are and trying to undermine actual feminism?
Just an insight on the equality debate 5 comments
· 10 years ago
So what exactly are you insinuating we apply this logic to? Women? Black people? Religion? Regardless of whether you "think" they are not your "equal", those groups of people shouldn't be treated as anything less than equals under the law. We're all human, therefore we're all equal. Get over it.
Kylie jenner 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Can we just stop talking about the Kardashians and pretend they don't exist?
Maybe she's born with it 16 comments
· 10 years ago
What about both men and women who dye their hair? What about men and women who get nose jobs or their teeth fixed? What about tanning? What about men who get hair plugs? Do you also consider those things as "lying to you"? There are so many ways people can alter their appearance to make themselves feel more attractive, yet no one ever says anything about any of those- no one ever refers to any of that as "lying". But sure as day, everyone always insults a girl when she wears makeup. The point I'm trying to make is, it doesn't matter if you don't like they way she wears her makeup- if it makes her feel good and makes her feel attractive, then leave her alone. If she likes to wear a ton of makeup, let her. If she doesn't like wearing any make up at all, let her. It isn't really up to anyone but her and you have no right to insult her for her choices. (Sorry for the rant.)
He feels safe with a bucket in his head 8 comments
This is how you pack a UPS truck 3 comments
Women power 2 comments
· 10 years ago
See, these are the type of women that we need to be celebrating...not this whole Kardashian bullshit.
Now I'm frustrated 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Or when you suddenly become aware of your tongue in your mouth and now it just feels weird and you don't remember how it's normally supposed to sit in your mouth anymore...