Stan lee 8 comments
· 9 years ago
And photos
Red is the left-hand drive and Blue is right 19 comments
· 9 years ago
It goes back further than that. In the days of knights on horseback they would pass each other on the left so that if they found an enemy they could hold their swords in the right hand ready to do battle (most people bing right handed), if on the other had it was a friend then aproaching on the left mae it easier to shake hands.
Andre is not a very happy camper 7 comments
Does anyone else remember these? 13 comments
A car for folks in wheelchairs 11 comments
Gotta love them hypocrites 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I always say dont believe what you are told just because you are told to believe it
This is fashion if I've ever seen it. 15 comments
A lot of people don't know this 9 comments
Fake sets of conspiracies of real events 10 comments
· 9 years ago
There is an explanation for nessie. He gets sighted at the beginning of the tourist season. I think that explains it
Oh i get it like no tears haha- WAIT A SECOND 9 comments
· 9 years ago
No more tears shampoo is very mild and doesnt sting the eyes. Its usually used for young children. Does that help?.
some people were just born fabulous. 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Its just a wooden or metal frame that stands by itself that you can put clothes over to dry
You missed 'Bacon':The meaning of life 18 comments
Ever been this blind? 24 comments
· 10 years ago
A girl once told my son that she wanted someone who was just like him. He thought deeply for a while then said I am sorry but I cant think of anyone who is just like me.
I can't be the only one who is paranoid about laptop cameras, 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I have one of those laptop lights that clip on the top of the screen, I just put the clip over the camera lens, then I can just move it if I need to
Global freaking warming 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Englands coldest winter? I don't think so. The last time the river thames froze was 1963
Who needs to replace batteries anyway? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Dot forget the part where you wet your finger and wipe the lens hats usually the next step
Not The Way It's Supposed To Be 22 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with you that there are more good ones than bad ones but not mentioning the bad ones doesn't make the problem go away. If you want to see what silence does then just google Rotherham 1400
Not The Way It's Supposed To Be 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't you like the truth? because I have loads more. of course there are good cops but I am sick of cops telling us how wonderful they are without acknowledging the bad ones
Not The Way It's Supposed To Be 22 comments
· 10 years ago
From the Rotherham advertiser
Police tore up files, claims a victim
A CHILD sex abuse victim has claimed police tore up files relating to her ordeal, while another was allegedly stopped from being medically examined.
In one case, the alleged victim said she was left bleeding after a violent assault, which she reported to children’s home staff, who called the police.
“The officer that used to come to the children’s home came and picked me up in a police car,” she said.
“He took me to a lay-by, kept calling me a liar, saying he’d read my files and that I was a liar and no-one was going to believe me, it was more trouble than it was worth and he ripped my paperwork up.
“He dropped me back at an Indian restaurant — back with my abuser.”
Police tore up files, claims a victim
A CHILD sex abuse victim has claimed police tore up files relating to her ordeal, while another was allegedly stopped from being medically examined.
In one case, the alleged victim said she was left bleeding after a violent assault, which she reported to children’s home staff, who called the police.
“The officer that used to come to the children’s home came and picked me up in a police car,” she said.
“He took me to a lay-by, kept calling me a liar, saying he’d read my files and that I was a liar and no-one was going to believe me, it was more trouble than it was worth and he ripped my paperwork up.
“He dropped me back at an Indian restaurant — back with my abuser.”
Don't want to lose my manhood 12 comments
· 10 years ago
If you click on the username it shows the other comments that person has made, it works for guests as well.
His method works like a charm 9 comments
This is the "Crooked House of Windsor" 6 comments
Atheism a religion 16 comments
Soy sauce facts 13 comments
· 10 years ago
a quart is a quarter of a gallon, which makes it 2 pints which works out at 1.136 litres
I wonder why? 11 comments
The twenty seven club banana 6 comments
How to respond to junk mails 10 comments
· 10 years ago
its coming to Christmas, so tell people who hand deliver not to write on or seal the envelopes, they are usually a bit bigger than normal ones and they are free.
then put junk mail with any other rubbish in the envelope and post it back to them without a stamp
then put junk mail with any other rubbish in the envelope and post it back to them without a stamp
She looks 12 31 comments
· 10 years ago
this could be four innocent pictures someone has downloaded from facebook or someplace and has added the captions on
When they notice you're left handed 14 comments
The "Three Ants" Riddle 21 comments
Sit down and shut up 5 comments