I got N0 word for this 13 comments
· 6 years ago
God both of them. The over sensitive sexist then the over sensitive racist
Don't have to call me out 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I just walked in circles in the burning hot sun for fucking 8 hours straight with no break. Bad day.
Why you should never lie to your parents 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Thats what i was gunna say. They never mentioned who the girls were or, as far as we know at least, showed it off to friends and family of the girls.
Am I the only one here? 26 comments
· 6 years ago
Confessed to my crush. He didnt think we were really friends and admitted he was just being nice to me.
Apparently looking average is not good enough for u guys 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Second guest: hes oblivious as Fuck. Ive basically spelled it out to him so many times that i have a crush on him but he just keeps asking whats wrong and is genuinely concerned for me.
Apparently looking average is not good enough for u guys 13 comments
· 6 years ago
The guy i like isnt attractive at all. Hes just so sweet and dorky. And he cares about me so much. Everyone who ive showed pictures too just kinda says. Noooooo you can do better. I disagree first of all. I definitely cannot. But hes friendzoning me. Constantly. Its a bit disheartening. We click in so many ways and hang out all the gd time, always isnstigated by him, but he just thinks of me as a friend.
Exactly what I would do! 9 comments
· 7 years ago
My dog actually snorted and sneezed when we walked through the door. We have no idea how it happened. We had thought maybe she was trying to smile at us because she thought she was human.
What not to do in some countries 15 comments
· 7 years ago
When I went to ireland with my cousin I did, actually, being an idiot 10 year old with no sense of geography, say isnt Ireland a part of the united kingdom, and my cousin immediately went DOOONT say that. We spent ages getting away from them bastards people will get pissed if they hear you say that.
Sad reacts 13 comments
· 7 years ago
My poor dog kept trying to walk away from us. She no longer responded to anything we said and couldn't get comfortable anywhere. We just lost her.
That voice is phenomenal 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Im shooook. My aunt played with this band for a few years xD I went to see them in concert when i was too young to realize what was happening.
Where is the lie 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I started poster phase at like 17 when I got hardcore into Kpop... Still not quite out of it tbh. Honestly I really need to grow up and stop wearing clothing with references on it and learn how to be a nice mature female but goddamn the world is scary and I don't want to grow up. Leave me to my bts posters sheets I'm too lazy to change and stuffed animals
the american high school experience 58 comments
· 8 years ago
Just like to say private school is exactly the same. Accept we get more bs rules. And we cant step on the gym floor unless we are in a specific type of shoes
The world in a nutshell 44 comments
· 8 years ago
When what you got from this was "oh shit i havent checked my pokemon go in a while..." i am whats wrong in the world.
And look at what happened when she left Tony before Civil War 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Also if she was there in cw she would have been something for tony to hold onto and consider family. In order for him to be this emotional and upset he needed to be alone
The Twilight cast 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Unpopular opinion, i liked the books i thought they were pretty good. The only reason i cant stand the movies is because some of the weird interpretations and i disliked both the leads actor / actress. If the writing was improved and bella and edward were cast better i couldve.liked it much more
There are some really good people in this world 6 comments
· 8 years ago
At our christian school the girls soccer team all went out to the local shelter for homeless and abused women and children without homes and repainted and repaired walls as well as gathered supplies and decorations for them. Our coach organized it all and we all loved doing it
Just a very beautiful cat with blue eyes 50 comments
· 8 years ago
My grandparents have cats like this. If I'm right this is a little rag doll cat
I'm not even a DC fan, but this is starting to annoy me 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Pssst. There's a really good animated movie that sticks to the comics. If you want that so bad watch that movie
She wanted an iPad 8 comments
· 8 years ago
No. None of my children are having any devices until at least 11 or 12. And even than bare minimum
Rap is a low quality genre if you ask me 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I HATED rap. And then i heard k-pop rap. And now im stuck in a pit of bts and exo. So rap does ruin lives
300 year old library in Dublin, Ireland 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I've been there! I found it funny they have copies of modern books such as the hunger game and even comic books displayed in the glass cases in the middle.
Fennec fox appreciation post 9 comments
· 9 years ago
This is when you start to question if we should have domesticated foxes as well as dogs.
Dads are super heroes 15 comments
· 9 years ago
What's wrong with going to a movie on the first date?? (Female asking because she is currently trying to set up friends by sending them to a movie)
This korean schoolgroup made this video as their goodbye and I think everyone can relate<3 10 comments
The truth about introvert people 17 comments
· 9 years ago
i refuse to answer the door. I haven't answered the door in like 3 years and that's because my friends mom arrived
fish are not toys, child 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Keep a dried up rotting dead fish in uour car and then house because a spoiled child wants is being stubborn???
The perfect relationship 36 comments
You know you want toooooo 27 comments
· 9 years ago
i HAD blue hair. But my school made me cut it off. Apparently the dress code says no BLUE hair. Because you know the teachers pet with pink and purple hair is so much more fucking natural -_-
Some things never change 17 comments
Suicide 68 comments
· 9 years ago
Also my explanation was targeted solely at the last part of your post niriel. Just about the question of why God allows bad things to happen. And that's not even considering the gift of free will I BELIEVE that he blessed us with.
Suicide 68 comments
· 9 years ago
... I just wanted to tell what the we actually believe on the matter. I wasn't saying it was the best faith or that I'm smarter than you or anything. And I didn't mean to "talk bad" about anyone, if that was directed at me. See above. And I have no idea what finding a spouse has anything to do with anything here...
Suicide 68 comments
· 9 years ago
i dont wanna be that guy... But that is explained in the bible. He gives us trials and tribulations for exactly this reason. To bring us, and others around us into faith. To strengthen our own and learn our limits, who we are as a person, and what it will take to survive. If someone dies, he knows their time on earth is over, and calls them to heaven. I'm not trying to be aggressive, I'd just like to explain to you and maybe teach you a little more about at least Christian religion. :)
Trying to find that special someone 29 comments
· 9 years ago
I really only play video games when I have time or I get a sweet new game. All the ones I have now I've beaten twice over (skyrim, assassins creed <1-3>, fallout, portal 1 and 2, etc.) so I haven't played In A while. But when I got the new tomb raider I binge played it in three or four days. So I'm not super consistent unless I'm really hooked on something. I don't think I'm necessarily a "gamer girl" doing it for attention or not I'm just not consistent