
Can't deny it 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I agree with guest. There was this guy who at first I found "ugly" and he liked me so I tried to keep my distance as I didnt like his personality either (I feel bad he even asked me to go to a dance with him and I said no), but he kept trying, he became a good friend, teased me all the time, he thought he was the eight wonder, and one night he just kissed me, he just had the confidence to do it and then we dated, he was never handsome but he was cheerful, he had the confidence to go up to anyone and talk to them and he made me like him because he liked himself. So metalman if you are blaming a girl for your awkwardness and inability to talk with girls, that's sad. A single rejection doesn't define you, you were not confident before and you should just accept yourself, you are making an excuse not to talk to girls