What to say 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Just need to clear something up for Elyssajm; Sherlock Holmes first appeared in print in 1887.
Growing older is not that funny 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't bother trying to figure anything out until you've already tried the thing you thought you wanted to do.
Companies nowadays 4 comments
Rainworks makes rainy days so much better 2 comments
The perils of good balance 9 comments
· 10 years ago
safety glass shatters into comparatively dull, equally sized chunks; as opposed to giant, blade-like shards.
I hate to break it to you mate... 13 comments
· 10 years ago
They make each season to play more like a movie than a TV show. Each season is about the length of the extended edition of Return of the King
I don't even feel bad 6 comments
A true guarding dog 7 comments
· 10 years ago
If grammar nazi corrected this it is to be sure that likes would have been received instead of dislikes. I've done what I can other guest.
Strong girl lol 25 comments
· 10 years ago
The middle finger thing isn't an issue. In many cultures pointing with any singular finger can be offensive.
You’re not going to make it. 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I take the water while doing what I can to fuck up the vehicle of the driver that chooses to do this to people.
The universe and your place in it 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Hard to explain, but you did a good job. Though through advanced calculations similar to those necessary for 'light speed' travel, one could approximate the correct coordinates for at least landing on the planet; and if you can time travel, getting from China to the US shouldn't be an issue.
Oh canada! 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Shooting them perhaps, but honestly its usually one blow to the head; not some savage long lasting beating.
Oh canada! 15 comments
· 10 years ago
This cartoon is showing that the seals are actually an issue for us. Wild hogs are free to kill in the southern states right now, what makes seals any more special?
Rekt 33 comments
· 10 years ago
You've obviously not spent much time around the medical and legal system of the United States of America.
Gentlemen know 10 comments
· 10 years ago
This time, Apple wins. Shiny watch that only tells time, or the iMac of smartwatches? I'll take the one that can do more.
Words of warning 27 comments
· 10 years ago
The 'yoga mat' chemical has been removed, at least from Canadian Subway chains.
Extreme waitressing, level Argentinian pizzeria 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Also, the use of gender specific terms for unisex jobs has become highly frowned upon. Waiters are waiters no matter the gender. Same for actors, firefighters, police officers, prostitutes, and really any other profession that has a separate name for each gender
My humor knows no bounds. XP 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Bouillon means broth. It's not a 'spice' its an ingredient, and an exchangeable one at that. Buy chicken with bones and make your own broth.
Space day 17 comments
· 10 years ago
The reason they don't do it at night is because of the mass amount of looting that would happen, more so if it was an advertised event.
This is something 16 comments
· 10 years ago
While your logic is sound, this picture depicts a woman in what appears to a rural area. Perhaps it has less to do with the size of the settlement, and more to do with the size of the road.
But 'Murican bacon still tastes best 24 comments
But 'Murican bacon still tastes best 24 comments
But 'Murican bacon still tastes best 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Shadow said they don't eat it because they're jewish and skinny. Then posted a question asking the question "Which racist down voted me?" assuming that someone was judging based on religion instead of perhaps disliking thin people.
Also, saying that eating a food is directly related to being unhealthy is a crock of shit. I eat basically whatever I want while maintaining a healthy 170lbs. I do it by working out for 30 minutes in a day 4 days per week. I eat 4-7 times a day (3 meals, 4 snacks), drink at least 1 liter of water every day, and have never counted calories. Pork is my favourite meat, and I eat it often. I also love vegetables. Everything in moderation.
And one more thing: if you're Jewish and not from Israel, it's not a racist issue, it's anti-Semitic. It has it's own definable term, use it in your future arguments.
Also, saying that eating a food is directly related to being unhealthy is a crock of shit. I eat basically whatever I want while maintaining a healthy 170lbs. I do it by working out for 30 minutes in a day 4 days per week. I eat 4-7 times a day (3 meals, 4 snacks), drink at least 1 liter of water every day, and have never counted calories. Pork is my favourite meat, and I eat it often. I also love vegetables. Everything in moderation.
And one more thing: if you're Jewish and not from Israel, it's not a racist issue, it's anti-Semitic. It has it's own definable term, use it in your future arguments.
But 'Murican bacon still tastes best 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Since you posted the racist* question you've been downvoted 3 times more. Perhaps one shouldn't assume things. What if they did it because they don't like pretentious skinny people. I'm skinny, but I eat Canadian bacon all the time. And other high fat foods for that matter, because I don't hate myself.
But 'Murican bacon still tastes best 24 comments
But 'Murican bacon still tastes best 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Many Canadians are rather americanized. Though I proudly eat Peameal Bacon every chance I get. It's made from the tenderloin, which is a very lean cut of meat. Traditionally it was cured and rolled in peameal, but is now rolled in cornmeal instead.
No, I feel cheated 4 comments
· 10 years ago
You shouldn't, deadpool had to question it in a comment rather than googling it to confirm.
Canadians be like 14 comments
· 10 years ago
If only you knew that your military trains with the Canadians, specifically for endurance training.
Canadians be like 14 comments
The happiest party in the world 6 comments
Vegans take it too far sometimes 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Dogs, being omnivores, could possibly handle it. Cats on the other hand could not. They are CARNIVORES. They eat meat. They get all the nutrients they need from what their food eats.
And This Why You Don't Get An Octopus As A Pet 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Putting the lid on cut off it's supply of oxygenated water. Once the lid is off, a crevice like that would be an ideal spot for an octopus.
This kid was taking a beating 8 comments
Oh, canada 3 comments
Amazing drawings of cartoon characters 25 comments
Color-changing labels 2 comments
Christopher Knight, after 27 years of isolation from humans 7 comments
· 10 years ago
For a long time, likely not. However, after so long he wouldn't have remembered anything other than isolation and would begin to be happy once more.
I repost this every winter 8 comments
· 10 years ago
In this case swag is being used in the pirate terminologies, as in treasure, or presents.