just be yourself! unless you could be someone better, like me. 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Women are never satisfied of their bodies because a misogynistic culture has taught them they had to obey physical beauty standards.
This pastry tray is invisible in water 7 comments
Too soon? 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Fake as shit: after three minutes, the battery should have less than 40% remaining.
That's a shit load of codes 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Not "codes", dear Toutzee, "code", as in "a source code", a complete list of instructions.
You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
Couple surprises family with newborn twins 2 comments
A tip for you fools who drop your phone a lot 34 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't get it. Wouldn't the best solution be placing your foot under your falling phone and moving it slowly downwards to cushion/amortize its fall?
12 sense you didn't know you have 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I think only 3 of these 12 are considered senses by every specialist (proprioception, nociception, equilibrioception), some may be senses but we're not sure (chronoception, for instance) and some of them are not senses at all (blindsight is not AT ALL a sense, it's just the fact that some person's brain will only partly deal with the signals coming from the eyes, so it's kind of an amputated vision, or a "half-sense", if you will).
Rules to live by on public transport 28 comments
· 9 years ago
I frequently get nauseas in public transportation for this exact reason, so thanks.
Give or take a few 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, in the standard model, there are 12 elementary particles called fermions, all of which have been experimentally observed, and they are the building bricks of every matter in the universe, meaning this answer is 100% right according to what we currently know about physics.
I don't understand why this was never taught (in England) 15 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not a "mathematical breakthrough", it's basic algebra with powers of ten.
I don't understand why this was never taught (in England) 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Same principle as multiplying the common way, but with lines. 13x12 is (10+3)x(10+2), which you can expand as 100+30+20+6. So, in the first picture, you have 1 intersection on the left, 2+3 intersections in the middle, and 6 intersections on the right. Job done.
How Steve Jobs pushed things at Apple 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Which is actually pretty dumb, because if there's no empty space in it, it may very well overheat.
Feminazis take heed 29 comments
· 9 years ago
1. False rape accusations do not physically scar people for life.
2. Feminism has nothing to do with this. It's a psychotic tendency, not a symptom of whatever feminazism may be.
2. Feminism has nothing to do with this. It's a psychotic tendency, not a symptom of whatever feminazism may be.
Our entire universe 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Most probably, he got a D+, the grade you give the annoying kid that may or may not have "family issues" so that you do not have to deal with it next year.
Miss America Pageant 13 comments
Miss America Pageant 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Of course it's not. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The full 15-minute section about Miss America is on the official Youtube channel, along with all the other (excellent) episodes.
Just how? 13 comments
The kind of fatherhood I love 7 comments
I have an irrational fear 23 comments
Who did? 89 comments
· 9 years ago
40 comments? What a total surprise.
TL;DR People being atheist dicks for the sake of being edgy, mixed with very respectful people (including atheists, thanks) and a few comments barking up the wrong tree.
TL;DR People being atheist dicks for the sake of being edgy, mixed with very respectful people (including atheists, thanks) and a few comments barking up the wrong tree.
~L0L~ 5 comments
It Didn't Quite Go As Planned 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Most humans are uncooperative egomaniacs, and we still have to deal with it.
You just went full retard man 20 comments
Whiteboard d*ck joke 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Stop being douches to people that have chosen a job where they are underpaid to educate young people.
Whatever you do don't put it on 4 comments
· 10 years ago
"Three movies and a huge-ass book", says the guy who has never read a novel but could at least sort items bu chronological order.
This Is Why Aliens Won’t Visit Us 6 comments
Homeless people read mean tweets about themselves 7 comments
· 10 years ago
It's kind of terrible to make homeless people read these tweets in the first place. As if they weren't already heartbroken. Who the fuck got this idea?
Beautiful old metro rail reclaimed by nature 5 comments
· 10 years ago
For those who wonder, I think this is the "Chemin de Fer de Petite Ceinture de Paris" ("Small Belt Railway"). Most of its 32 kilometers can still be accessed by foot, and it makes for great hikes in semi-hidden surreal places of Paris.
'Unbreakable' Glass finally gets broken! 33 comments
· 10 years ago
Nearly perfect loop. Apart from the right leg, everything seems perfect in this one!
Omg 46 comments
Eh-eh-o eh-o 8 comments
Not "heavy metal" (mostly hardcore and death-metal, actually).
And thanks for the "stenching tards" stuff, dear commenters. We love you too.