
America is the true monster 33 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Which in the end, that proved to fail just as terribly as you'd think. For those that say that "they won't honor anyone's sacrifice" is not only a horrible human being, but you are indirectly punishing a 18 year old kid for doing what he's told. He may not be defending an invasion fleet from coming to the states, but you can dam well bet he's sure as shit not killing off innocence over their.
As in all wars, mistakes happen. Citizens who want no part in anything to do between the rival forces getting caught in the middle all because their dwelling happened to be right there. That's life son, shit happens.
America is the true monster 33 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But in no way am I saying that America as a whole is evil. The sole reason we went to the Middle East, was vengeance. A certain few decided to take out some of us. We got hit in the gut, so we went for some good old American payback. And what does every large group do to a small sect. We demolish. Demolish them to the point where we use their bones as a foundation for black top. We de-throned a dictator who took our property for the sake of being called an "ally", directly used that small arsenal against us, then cowered in his house thinking he was untouchable.
America is the true monster 33 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I just love it when posts like these crawl their way out of some kids backlog of information they have stored on an external marked "Injustices of the World". If you were more forward thinking regarding anything that dribbles from the gaping hole in your face, you would know that life isn't fair. No one truly knows about another. But let's skip that for now and get to the true meat of this wall of text:
Utter bullshit. Forgive the Americanized slang used my myself, because, simply, it explains the current topic. The Iraquies that were gathering to protest outside of the local Walmart (seeing as it's the biggest chain around I'm only assuming here) they are utilizing their 1st amendment right. Good on them, besides the fact they are handing out printed plastic sheets of falicies all the while forcing their own opinions on anyone that walks within 5 feet. I won't sugarcoat it cupcake, America has done evil. Things no one will admit to because there's not a jail big enough.