
yeah 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That is the typical bullshit coming from people who want to live out their homophobia, fairy-tale religious and/or anti-science belief without anybody talking back to them. Or even worse: lameass folks whose idea of a discussion is for it to end with somehting like "let's agree to disagree". Seriously, these people arer worse than most people being labeled as intolerant. Take a fucking stand for what you think is right or go watching cute cat pics or play cabdy crush.
Iggy pop is awesome 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
A person hating on any other person for whatever clothes they are wearing, or thinking that anybody dressing like anything was "shameful" at all, is basically just a hater, no matter how he is trying to rationalize their stereotypes. So there is no difference to someone who thinks being a woman was shamefull.