
You know those color swatches you can get from paint stores? 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think this is a neat idea for apartments and dorm rooms, but it's not something I'd want in my house. I'd rather paint something at that point.
I bet every guy agrees with this 33 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Things is, I don't think some people realize how much makeup still goes into the more 'natural' look on the bottom....that and you're still plucking/waxing the shit out of them to get them more 'defined' like that. Jesus H. Christ being a woman is fucking expensive.
you gotta start somewhere 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I've seen Ghost Cat, and Ghost Cat is STILL on Netflix...right meow you could say heu heu heu
would you get your hair like this 41 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Y'all are aware she's wearing what looks to be extensions, right? Take note of the right side and the fact that there are some shadows created between the brown and purple. That means, YOU TOO CAN CREATE THIS LOOK FOR PROBABLY ONLY $200!!!
Baconator. 76 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Now here's a bigger problem: People are going to college and getting degrees in fields that are not contributing appropriately to society or are not a STEM field. In fact, before I went to get my degree (Business Admin and Accounting, I work at a CPA firm, I need the degree to move up in my job), I researched what jobs would be available if I left my current job, as well as job growth potential. A person getting a masters in Medieval Literature or that moron that gets a Bachelor of Arts in University Studies because they're not sure what the hell they want...too bad! You are not getting a degree that continues to build society, so don't be surprised if you can't get a job above minimum wage pay. Also, unless you are going for an arts degree (which let's face it, most likely won't make a big return on your investment), you should focus on the additional Bachelor of Science, even if it's not required. It shows better discipline to a potential employer.
Baconator. 76 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I agree. Minimum wage is meant for jobs that take minimal skills/training. This means people without college/technical degrees. Now, to the kids talking about $100,000+ in debt for's part of the issue with our college-minded society. Everyone thinks you need to go to an Ivy League school. NO YOU DO NOT. You can get your general education at a local state university for a fraction of the cost, and if you somehow need to attend a different school for specialized classes, you can do so without a significant amount of debt. To the guys who can't do scholarships, FAFSA is a thing. I utilize this. Unfortunately, this is for families with lower incomes. However, a lot of kids can still get something. State grants are provided to a lot of kids that attend within state. I get $800/year from North Dakota since that's where I live and attend college. It's not much, but every bit helps. (part 1 of --)
I remember the days... 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I remember when my Mom got me the light that plugged into my GameBoy Color for my birthday. I became unstoppable.