Not good USA, not good 33 comments
· 9 years ago
We haven't made guns illegal because we're a cowardly lot. We hide behind the Constitution ("Dunt you tuch muh guns! I'ma 'Murican!") when it suits us ("We can't allow THOSE people to vote, so we'll make it harder for THEM come election time."). Special interests (namely, the NRA) convince enough people that ANY action that doesn't result in more weapons getting into the hands of white, Anglo-Saxan people will lead to the creation of a NAZI state and all our guns will be taken away. Whenever a tragedy occurs involving guns, we're told to wait until after the grieving to find solutions but the problem is the grieving never ends. We face too many gun incidents and the cycle keeps repeating itself. It's sad when people tell us the answer to of all the gun violence is to have more guns available to everyone. That is how twisted we, as a nation, have become. Sorry, I'll get down from my soapbox now. Thank you.
When You Come Back to School and Realize 8 comments
Wedding photographer focuses in on the real prize 11 comments
· 9 years ago
That, dear sir/madam, is the best response for today. Everyone can pack up, we'll see you all tomorrow.
TL;DR Calculators save lives.