
Sign at elementary school in Arkansas 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The sort of people who prey on society are also the sort of people who readily join a police force that presides over an unarmed society.
Sign at elementary school in Arkansas 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
As a good example, very few people ever entertain the idea of attacking the police, ONLY because they are very well-armed. If they were not, they would be utterly impotent to serve their purpose. So we not only see, but experience first hand that a wall of men carrying guns in order to stop evil people not only works, but we frigging pay them to do it! So why as a society are we giving up our greatest protection, our own selves, to a small contingent police force that cannot possibly hope to control the growing number of malefactors in our society? Malefactors who are multiplying only because we refuse to present ourselves as THE force to be reckoned with on American soil. It kept communist Russia from invading for the last century.
Sign at elementary school in Arkansas 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It has to be enforced in schools because Americans for the last two decades have refused to arm themselves against the violent fringes of society. If every teacher, bus driver, & parent were armed at all times, like we were sixty years ago, virtually no one would entertain the thought of doing the despicable acts that have been perperated in the US in the last few years. It is an effective deterrent. For example: There is virtually no violent crime in most parts of Kentucky (there are a few exception areas) because about 98% of the population is packing instantly accessible heat. There is NO road rage or random aggressive behavior (this includes on the part of the cops!!) when you realize every single car around you has a gun in the glove box, and every home is armed to the teeth, by state law. Folks are respectful there, comparatively (this still includes the cops), & generally very brave as well. A well-armed society is kept in check by the fear of instant death, & is very low stress
Got em 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This is how democrats split a vote with an illegitimate third party. It's how Clinton won the first time, by using Ross Perot as a vote sponge. It would seem that the bloody Bolshevik bitch is at it again.
Sign at elementary school in Arkansas 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Finally, this generation can see the 2nd amendment as it was meant to be used. If the US had done this after Columbine, a lot of children would have been saved. And you can argue that MORE GUNS MEANS MORE VIOLENCE but I really Have to point out that to prevent a disease epidemic, you have to use a vaccination made from the illness itself to successfully innoculate for resistance to the disease.