
The real reason people have children 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My 2 years old niece and my 4 years old nephew beg to differ ... I once asked my nephew to put the toys he played with away and he looked at me and said: "Well, Grandma played more with it than I did so she should be putting it away". My niece once found a feather and blew it through the air. Her mom told her to put it in the trash. She kept blowing until it landed under a cupboard, then looked at her mom and said: "Too late"
But I am not 29 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm 24 years old and never had a boyfriend or have been involved with a boy. Never even been kissed. My grandma constantly asks me if there aren't any nice guys at my college and that I should take the first step because boys can be shy too. But she also constantly asks me why I don't study something "real like medicine" ... so I kind of stopped listening to her. My aunt always tells me that you can also fall in love with a rich guy. That's advise I can listen to :P
Peanuts vs Plain nuts 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Uhh I remember when I was in sixth grade and the school forbid us from bringing anything containing peanuts, even chocolate bars, because there was one kid in the whole school who was allergic to peanuts and we could accidently stand next to them without knowing and open a peanut chocolate bar. But vaccinating? Well who cares, right?